วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551
You Know You're Going Native (in Thailand) When...
So, yesterday after I wrote in my blog, I experienced something that made me realize just how "native" I am becomming. (note: when I say "native" I mean as in I'm turning Thai, not North American Aboriginal Native or anything...) Want to know what caused me to realize it? My host mom walked into my bedroom wearing a t-shirt and short-shorts! I practically gasped and fell off my bed. This reaction would be due to living in a country where girls only (well, respectable girls anyways) wear t-shirts and capris/jeans. Sometimes they even wear hoodies. In 40 degree weather. So as not to get a tan. I already know I'm going to be in for quite a shock when I get home and see people in tank tops and short skirts everywhere. By the way, the whole Thais not wanting to get tan thing is really starting to bug me.. mainly because at school my new friends keep asking me if I think whatever guy is walking past is handsome. I always say no. And then they always ask me if it's because he is too "black." And it's really hard to explain to them that no, it's not because of his skin colour.......
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