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Angels & Demons
Today the best thing that could possibly ever happen happened. And trust me.. the chances of you guessing what exactly that was are most likely slim to none... so I'll tell you... This evening whilst Patch and I were walking to the van station, after a lovely day at the Mall, we were just walking along, chatting and what not, when we both smelled the most glorious smell in all of Thailand and had to stop, back up a couple of steps, and investigate the matter. And to our amazment, right there in the middle of Minburi Market was a stall set up selling burritos!! Seriously I have never once seen a burrito in all of Thailand, and apparently neither has Patch.. but she used to eat them all the time in America. So purchasing of the burritos ensued.. followed by the long van ride home while our mouths watered in anticipation for the food neither of us have eaten in far tooo long. And not even exaggerating, that burrito was amazing. Best thing I've eaten in forever.... and really, I am a lover of Thai food (esepcially not that I can eat real spicy things like all the Thais) but I swear that when I get back to Canada I am never eating rice again for many years.... I actually sent my mom a list of things I need to eat when I get back to Canada.. I forget everything that was on it, but the gist of the whole thing was mainly bread, cheese, salad, tea, etc...Today was spent at the Mall (probably the last time I'll ever go there) with Elli and Patch.. we went to see Angels and Demons. The three of us had been looking forward to seeing it ever since Patch lent me the book which I then lent to Elli sometime last year... So we all made plans to go
see it together on the opening day (today). The movie was good, but personally I liked the book better. And I know that usually books are better than movies.. but since I discovered that The Davinci Code movie followed the book pretty much to a T, I figured the same would be true for Angels and Demons. However there were alot of differences, which I guess were made for the sake of saving time in the movie and what not.. but personally I just liked the way the book gave alot more background information so that the whole thing just made more sense. Not to mention the fact that I somehow ended up sitting next to the most annoying girls in the history of annoyingness. I have no idea where they were from (they looked Asian, but weren't speaking Thai or any other language Patch could recognize)... but for some reason they seemed to think it was okay to have whole conversations while the movie was going on. And they weren't even trying to whisper or be quiet about it. They were just full on talking.. and when the movie got loud during action scenes or whatever, these girls started speaking even louder. And then the one girl also had the annoying habit of repeating half of what was said in the movie. I'm all for people being into movies and "ooohing" and "ahhhing" at all the right times... but you don't have to repeat the dialogue for everyone to hear. I just hate how people like that can ruin a movie experience.... And in other news, in 1 week from today I will be on my way home :) 10 months down. 7 days to go.