วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Since I don't start going to school until Thursday, I have all today and tomorrow to be bored at home. My host brother for some reason likes the TV show Smallville and has it on DVD, so I am sitting at his computer half watching it, half talking on MSN and facebook. I met his "girlfriend" today, who is studying english as her major at university. They all think she speaks english very well but honestly she makes less sense to me than everyone else. Anyways, she keeps phoning my host brother, and getting him to come in here and ask me about english. For all I know I could be telling her completely wrong things, because I don't ever really understand what she's saying. Anyways, the point of this all is that I'm feeling like the only reason they want me here is to teach them all english. Oh and, just like my Cultureshock Thailand book said, Thai's have trouble pronouncing two consonents in a row in a word, so they all say my name like "Kreee-ten"... it's getting very tiring.
