This morning after I posted already, I went to my Thai Language class with Ah-Jan (Teacher) Supanee. She just taught me some new words, such as toothbrush, which I already forget. I think I might start making flashcard type things for all these new Thai words like I made for Biology last year. I mean it helped me learn words like Sphincter, so I don't see why it won't help me learn Thai :P At lunch I went and met up with Cherry and her friends in the cafeteria. I ate fried rice with a fried egg, which was pretty good. For dessert we had "Thai desserts" (duh) which looked like little green slimey frog eggs in coconut milk. Looks gross, but tastes good. However, the serving which the lunch lady gave me was HUUUGE and I was only able to eat about half of it before I was overpowered with sweetness and had to stop eating. I drank about a gallon of water to try and get rid of the taste. After lunch I went to the English room, because all the student teachers have been commenting about how they haven't seen me very much lately. But while I was there, they were all busy with teaching things, so I ended up just reading my CultureShock Thailand book, which honestly explains everything I'm going through right now perfectly! It's good to know I'm not the only foreigner who feels this way. I finished making my fish in my flower making class. I made it out of fake money (I think it was DragonBallZ Money), but honestly, it probably would have been cheaper just to make it out of real bills rather than to buy the fake money :P I spent the last block writing up a "profile" which is going in the "school magazine", which I think means either a school newspaper, or a yearbook. I spent forever typing up this nice little paragraph about my life in Creston and my hopes for this year in Thailand, and then my coordinator told me to just do it in point form. I also had to include a picture of me from in Canada, and since I really didn't have any pictures on my camera from in Canada, I put a one of me on top of the Eiffel Tower (they don't know thats where it is, shhh) and one from prom with Keith, Alyson, and Elise. P'Kla came and picked me up after school (no Beam because she is studying for a test). I spent an hour or so reading (Alias Grace, it's super good, I have troubles putting it down!) and then Kla came in and wanted to know if I wanted to watch the Phantom of the Opera with him. So we started watching it, but didn't get far before Pylynn phoned and kind of invited herself over. I ate supper while Pylynn hung out with Cherry, and then we all just kind of visited with Kla and one of Korn's random friends. Since neither Pylynn or I have plans for this weekend, we are thinking of maybe going to DreamWorld, a kind of "fun park" type thing here in Bangkok. The only problem is though that Pylynn doesn't want to drive, because she doesn't know her way around that area of Bangkok, which is understandable. So tomorrow we might see if Kla could drive us (if he is free) and then maybe Beam can come along too and the four of us can spend the day together.
One thing I've noticed about Thais (and it's probably true for all Asians) which is driving me crazy right now, is how they constantly mix up the letters R and L. For example, when my coordinator was teaching me Thai the other day, she was dictating Thai words to me while I was writing down what I heard, and she said, "la" so I wrote down "la" and she was all, "no no no it's spelled RER". Grrrrr. And they all say "Ah-lay-nah?" all the time, which means "what?" but when I asked Patch about it, she said it's "Ah-RAY-nah?" Even though they say "lay" Drives me crazy.