So, here is a video of my Thai bedroom. I actually took it a couple of weeks ago, and have tried uploading it a couple of times, but it never worked until now. Enjoy:
Today was spent studying Thai with the help of P'Beam and P'Kla, eating various meals throughout the day, watching the Golden Compass, and reading some of Slaughter-House Five. For lunch I ate a Thai version of Itchiban Noodles. And when I say "a Thai version", I mean it was exactly the same as Itchiban Noodles, except spicy. So spicy that by the end of it my lips were numb. But not so spicy that I was crying. So a good level of spicy-ness I guess. Beam tried to teach me the five different tones in the Thai language today, and I pretty much failed miserabley. The only tone I have no problem with is the rising tone, where you make your voice kind of as though you were asking a question in English. The five tones (just for those who are interested) are: mid, low, falling, high, and rising. Although several words may have the same spelling and same pronounciation in Thai, because their tones will be different, it changes the meaning of the word. For example: mai (mid tone) means a mile, mai (low tone) means new, mai (falling tone) means no, mai (high tone) means ".... right?", mai (rising tone) means silk.
I also watched a bit of a Thai horror movie with Beam and Kla, however there were no English subtitles, so I was absolutely confused as to what the dialouge was. Yet, amazingly I was still able to follow the story line, and still got all scared/creeped out along with everyone else. Yay me! Tomorrow will be another lazy day as far as I know, and then on Friday I'm to go to school for a little bit to discuss with my AFS Coordinator some plans for the school vacation. I'm hoping that Rachel from Australia will be able to come stay with me for the last week of September, then from October 15-24 I will go to a massage course in Ayutthaya with Elisabeth from Germany. Today when I talked to my coordinator on the phone she said that Cherry told her that my host family has travel plans for the break, which I'm absolutely unaware of. So I asked P'Kla about it, and he knows nothing either, however he promised he will find out for me, so that I can figure out for sure if the massage course and such will work out. Apparently I'm also supposed to go to some camp at the beginning of October with my coordinator and maybe kids from my school. I don't really know what it's about, but my coordinator asked me about it a couple of weeks ago and I said sure I'd go, but that was when I had absolutely no other plans... I'm not really sure if I'm still interested in doing it. But whatever, I guess I can suck it up for a couple of days. Also, Pailin won't be able to go see the Nutcracker Ballet with me, so I asked Beam if she would be interested in going instead, and she said yes! So there is still hope for me seeing some ballet yet.
p.s. Guess who totally fogot to eat her carrot in the fridge? And who has some sour milk in her bedroom? Long story... Beam's Aunt bought me some milk to take with us on the weekend, which Beam had in her bag along with some chips and candy and such, which she gave to me when we got back on Sunday... However, the milk was left un-refridgerated all weekend, and still has been since then... Let's just say it's reached the point of nastiness. I better remember to throw it out tomorrow, before it gets any worse. Ewww.