วันพุธที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Waterfalls (?) Part Song

(song = two in Thai)

This morning started out with some good news, Rachel from Australia will be coming to stay with me for sure!! She will come by train and arrive here in the morning on the 22nd, and stay until the 29th. I'm super excited... although I have no idea how we are going to spend the week. Hopefully just having fun and doing the crazy things exchange students tend to do.. Maybe go visit downtown Bangkok for a couple of days with Elisabeth and her other German friend. Who knows.

This afternoon my host dad asked me if I wanted to go see the waterfall, "since last time there was no water but this time there is many water." His words, not mine. I really should know by now though that when he asks me to go see waterfalls, he's really asking me to go wait for him while he gets some Thai massage or something. We went to see a damn first. The same damn we went to see last time, but this time it actually had water shooting out of it. Then we went to see the "waterfall" which was actually just a really scary river. It was scary due to it raining so much in the last few days I'm assuming. Anyways, there was a random crab there that my host mom was poking with a stick. I thought crabs lived in the ocean, not beside a river. Silly crab. After that the three of us went out for dinner. It was a steak house kind of thing at some fancy hotel. My host dad ordered for me (as he usually does, but usually I appreciate it because it's all Thai food and I don't know what any of it is anyways.. but this time it was steak! I know how to handle that myself.. kind of) and he ordered me a pork chop. It really wasn't a very good pork chop, but it came with gravy, potato bumps, a roasted tomato, and peas and corn. The best part of the meal was.... NO RICE! I somehow managed to avoid eating rice for 2/3 meals today (the other one was lunch, when I had soup with noodles, not rice). However, I don't think either of my host parents really liked their dinners, they didn't even eat their potato bumps! Which were by far the best part... After dinner we stopped back at that weird massage/temple place we went to that one time before so my host dad could get "healed." My host mom and I just waited around, while she talked to some guy about me (I can always tell when they're talking about me because they always say "farang" which means foreigner). I phoned Patch and talked to her for a bit though, and unfortunately plans for going to her elementary school tomorrow to do activities got cancelled. She did say though that if it ever stops raining she will take me downtown Bangkok to go shopping for a Thai traditional dress :)

When we got home my host parents had a second dinner, because apparently the first one wasn't good enough or something. Also, my host dad told me that in December he will be going to America and Canada for one week, Vancouver in particular (probably because that's where the Thai embassy is.. I know because that's where I had to get my visa from). He kind of drives me crazy sometimes because he likes to talk and not really to listen.. When he told me he was going I was trying to tell him it will be cold then but probably not snowy because it's Vancouver, but instead he just told me about how he gets to go first class in the airplane all expenses paid and stuff. I think I forgot to mention before that last week he was commenting about how nice the weather is in Thailand, and said, "In Canada it's very cold now." I was all, "umm actually it's fairly warm in Canada right now due to it being summer." Honestly, it scares me that even a politician here doesn't understand the whole northern/southern hermispheres have different seasons type of thing. Here's something even scarier: Elisabeth was telling me that at her school a few weeks ago her class was learning about World War Two, and that the teacher was explaining about Hitler being German and what not, but Elisabeth pointed out he was actually from Austria, and the teacher asked her, "Aren't Austria and Germany the same thing?" EEEK. Really, nobody around here seems to understand where Canada is. I'm like, "how can you miss it, it's that really huuuge country in North America?" But they all seem to think it's in Europe. Anyways, both when my host dad went to Germany and when he went to China, he brought back a whole suitcase full of food from whichever particular country... so right now I'm just kind of curious to see what food he will bring back from Canada?

I was planning on including pictures from the damn and such in this post.. but apparently my free trial of ACDsee has run out, which means I can't upload pictures until I download it again...
