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Supanburi Take Two
Yesterday after school, Patch, her cousin Patcha, and I went with P'Tee once again to the 27 Resort in Supanburi. We got there in the evening, and once again watched all the performances, except this time the performers were all costumed up, and Patch's commentary played through the sound system. I enjoyed watching the show (the costumes just added to the whole effect), and I actually saw some performances which I missed the last time we were there, such as a sword style dance. I tried to take some videos, but the lighting wasn't very good, so pretty much the people dancing just look like white blobs moving around.... When the show was over, we headed to our accomodations for the night... which ended up being in a room that was full of like 30 (really uncomfortable) beds shared with some other employees, rather than in our own hotel room like we had previously. It was alright though... We woke up in the morning around 7, showered, got dressed, ate, etc. And then Patch, Patcha and I just kind of had to wait around for P'Tee to finish up his work. We looked at all the animals at the resorts petting zoo... I guess yesterday they acquired a family of monkeys (don't ask me how exactly these animals were acquired :S)... and these poor little monkeys just looked scared to death with all these people staring at them (which makes me believe they weren't used to being around humans.. so maybe they were captured from the wild?) Then the three of us came across a pink, Hello Kitty, 3 person tandum bike, that we rode around the resort, and only managed to nearly crash 3 times (although nobody got hurt, don't worry). I really wanted a picture of us, but there was nobody around to take one, so I just put my camera on top of this little hill on the road, set the timer, and then ran as fast as I could to get on the bike, and hoped that a car didn't come driving down the road and run over my camera....
Before we could head back to Bangkok, we had to stop over at a funeral for one of P'Tee's wife's friends (?). But, before we headed to the funeral, we had some time to kill, so we went to what
was apparently a famous temple to look around a bit. When we arrived, P'Tee told us that they had an area set up to show all the happenings in Hell, and another area for Heaven. I asked Patch where exactly Hell was, she told me "noon" (over there), and then I told her "by narok gun" (let's go together). While in Hell, we looked around at all the horrifying statues depicting things that will happen to you when you die, if you do bad things in this life. They were quite grafic, to say the least... I honestly can't imagine walking around that place at night... Needless to say, I'm not really wanting to end up in Buddhist Hell... So we decided to walk over to Heaven, but then we didn't end up having time... so we just went to the funeral instead. It wasn't all too exciting, since all we did was sit around at the temple and talk... Everyone who actually knew the deceased was given a flower made out of paper, which apparently would be used to burn the body. I don't really understand it all... Patch did her best to explain it to me, but she's not actually Buddhist, so I don't think she really understood the whole concept herself. All I know is that I saw people carrying around these flowers, and then when the monks were finished talking, everyone went up into the temple and put their flower on something (although according to Patch, they aren't placed directly on the body)... Once P'Tee had finished doing this, we headed back to Bangkok...