วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
Last Day of School
The title says it all. Today was my last day of school (or maybe not because I might have to go on Monday to get my friendship book from Fon....). I just sat in the computer room writing in friendship books while my classmates did their final math and Thai language exams.. which in total took all of like 2 hours, which I really don't understand. In Canada, one final exam takes a good 3 hours.... When everyone was done, I went with Ma, La, Bow, and P'Patch to the park next to our school for a picnic. We sat in the shade and ate somtam and sticky rice. It was alot of fun, but soooooooooo hot out. We went around the park taking all kinds of silly pictures, and somehow I ended up with a sunburn on my face (even though I was in the sun for all of like 3 minutes?). It was nice to just hang out with them since I don't know how many more times I will be seeing them now that school is over. Of course I want to see them all again, but I don't know how busy they/I will be over the holidays. And I actually understood alot of what they were talking/laughing about. We tried to take pictures of us jumping (in our school skirts, which probably wasn't the best idea in a public park) and laughed at how all of the pictures turned out. Honestly, I don't think I've laughed that hard in a looooooooong time. Anyways, here are some of my favourites from the day:

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1 ความคิดเห็น:
Great pics! Do be careful about the sunburns, though. If you get just 5 sunburns, it doubles your chances of getting melanoma (the deadliest skin cancer).