วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552
1 More Sleeps!
Nothing too tooo exciting has happened in the last few days (jeese I wonder how many blog entries have started with that exact sentence....). However, tomorrow something ultra exciting is happening..... my parents and younger sister from Canada will be coming to Thailand!!! Their flight is scheduled to arrive at 11 a.m. tomorrow morning. Since I live so close to the airport here, I think the plan is for my host dad to take me to the airport to pick them up, then bring them back to my village so I can introduce them to my host family, give them a tour of my school, etc. Then sometime during the evening we will head to the hotel which we will be staying at in Bangkok (you can look at it here ---> pprincess.com) I'm not really sure what we will do for the week in Bangkok. I have lots of ideas, but nothing planned on for certain on certain days. Which I think is okay, we will just take it easy and take things day by day (although I'm like 155% sure we will do a ton of shopping). However, I did make plans with Patch to go to JJ Market with us on the 21st (because that is the only day Patch will be free to do anything whilst they are here).. and apparently we're invited to go have dinner with my old host family at their house sometime during the week.. which could be a little interesting since I haven't seen most of the members of that family since I moved out of their house... but to be honest I do miss some of them quite a lot (well mostly P'Kla and P'Beam... honestly, if it wasn't for the two of them I don't know how I would have survived my first couple of months here). On the 23rd we will be going to Krabi in the south of Thailand (I think we will get there by plane.. but I don't have plane tickets yet sooo who knows, maybe we'll have to end up busing it??) to stay in a Bungalow on the beach for a few days. I don't have anything at all planned for whilst we are in the South, I just think it will be nice to lay on the beach and hang out in a bungalow just the 4 of us... On the 28th we will come back to Bangkok (and hopefully find somewhere to stay for a couple of nights since I don't have any hotels booked yet :S) and just get everything organized for them going back to Canada (since they will be taking alot of my stuff back for me) on the 30th. So now that you know the grand scheme of things, I must admit that I don't think I'll be writing in here very often until they leave on the 30th... so, just be patient, and I'll update you on all the happenings, and will lots of pictures hopefully, as soon as I can!
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