Yesterday morning I went to the Mall with my host parents and siblings.. it wasn't all that exciting.. just went grocery shopping while Sunyair had her drum lesson. After the Mall we went over to my host cousin Ron's house, because I guess my host dad and Ron had some business
work to do or something..(?) Anyways, whilst was chilling out there watching TV, P'Patch called me and asked if I wanted to go to a concert, and of course I said yes! The whole thing was the finale episode of the Thailand Singing Contest 2009, which is kind of like American Idol, but for Thailand, so it was going to be all filmed and aired on TV later that night. One of the teachers from my school is apparently the aunt of one of the contestants.. and she had a whole bunch of extra tickets, so she invited Patch, Cherry, and I to go along. Since I didn't have time to go home and shower/get changed I just had to meet up with everyone and go in my clothes I had been wearing all day.. and let me tell you I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay underdressed. The whole concert thing didn't actually take that long.. there were only 5 contestants left, and each contestant sang only 1 song. The guy we were cheering for (number 5!!) sang The Phantom Of The Opera, which I thought was pretty sweet, and therefore he was my favourite :) Unfortunately all he won was like some "thanks for participating" award of 30,000 baht.. which I thought was ridiculous (he should have won!!!). The girl who won the whole thing got 1,000,000 baht. When it was over we took a taxi home.. and well, that was that. I don't really know what more to say about it.. the whole thing pretty much just involved us sitting in the audience and screaming whenever our guy went on the stage... I'm pretty sure that I wasn't actually on camera at all during the whole show :(
Today I went with Elisabeth to Khao San Road, where we met up with another German girl called Galina. Elisabeth and I had some trouble actually getting to Khao San Road (we made plans to meet at Minburi Market, but when we got there we couldn't find eachother and had to meet somewhere else instead....).. but once we did get there, we just walked around and shopped a bit.. I bought the new Killers CD and 2 cute dresses. It wasn't that exciting, but it was nice to get out of the house and also to see so many foreingers in one day (since Khao San is like THE place where all the backpacking tourists go).. however there was one foreigner guy wandering around on all sorts of drugs and who apparently had lost control of all bodily functions that scared us sooooooo bad. It was disguisting... I am back at home now though, in my nice air conditioned room. Tomorrow I will go to school for the last day (again) and say goodbye to all my friends.. which means that I must go iron my uniform now before I go to sleep...
1 ความคิดเห็น:
One thing I forgot to mention, in an earlier post you talked about Thailand spending a lot of money on a monument or something when there was so much poverty around. One thing that I wanted to say was that the US, Canada, and everyother country in the world does that too. They erect giant buildings or spend tons of money on a useless war when people in their own country are starving. It's just easier to see when you're in a foreign country because a)it's around you more and b)our own government/societies go through great lengths to try to "erase" poor people like me.