We went back to Bangkok by Taxi, the cost of which ended up being about the same as the train we had taken down to HuaHin once we split it four ways. The taxi took us to the train station, and when we got there I phoned my host dad to see if he could pick me up.. but he couldn't. Of course there was always the option of taking a taxi.. but since I'd rather save my money and spent it on souvenirs, rather than taxi rides.. I took the cheap, long way home. Which meant I took the bus. The non air conditioned bus. And, to top things off, I decided to sit near the front of the bus, right behind the door. Now, this seat wouldn't be problematic on any normal days.. but apparently some people got a little too excited about the fact that SongKran festival starts tomorrow, and decided to start playing water today. Which meant there were people standing along the side of the street, with water guns, water hoses, etc..... which they would throw through the open windows and doors of the bus. And since I was so conveniently situated right by the door.. I got a good soaking. So that, my friends, was my first encounter with SongKran festival. It was nice, actually... helped cool me off a bit in this crazy heat. Probably would have enjoyed it more though if I felt a little more relaxed about busing it
home by myself from the train station for the first time. The bus reached the end of the route, and we weren't where I thought we were supposed to be. So there were a few nice Thai ladies getting off the bus who told me which bus to take next in order to go out of my village... and in the end I made it home safe and sound.. and only a little damp.
HaPpY sOnGkRaN eVeRyOnE! (and of couse, Happy Easter as well!!!!... although for me.. along with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.. Easter doesn't really exist this year)
2 ความคิดเห็น:
Hi. Another question. (:
Can you explain the meaning behind "Same same but different"? I saw it around a few times now. (:
The girl's shirt reminded me of that phrase by the way, haha.