วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552


So I am back in Bangkok, for now.. but I have a feeling things are about to get uber busy for me, especially since I have only 6 weeks and 5 days left! I got back last night.. but have been having problems with my internet which is why I haven’t yet updated on here. I’ll have a good connection for a couple of minutes.. and then nothing. It drives me crazy honestly. But at least I have other things to keep me busy, such as finishing knitting my afghan which I’m determined to do before I leave Thailand, working on my friendship book and AFS yearbook page, reading one of the many books my parents brought over for me, etc. Although lately I really haven’t had time for any of those things.

Our trip to Prachuap was quite enjoyable. We stayed there for 2 whole days, and spent these days just hanging out on the beach. We stayed at a rather cheap but fairly nice hotel right near the ocean… it was nice.. and just, relaxing. There were only 5 of us who went… Ajarn Rose, Elisabeth, Sinan (boy from Turkey), Khaled (boy from Egypt), and myself. But really there isn’t much to tell about the whole excursion. We just swam, sat on the beach, and talked about many things… mainly complaining about AFS. It was a good group of people to be with… We came back to Bangkok yesterday, and arrived in the afternoon. Since we had some free time, Elisabeth and I decided to go with Rose to the hair salon to get spur of the moment haircuts! Which is exciting, believe me, since it’s the first time I’ve cut my hair since being in Thailand. To be honest, I was quite nervous because I thought the hair dresses would cut my hair too short and it would end up like an afro or something, but luckily all turned out alright, and I ended up with a kind of bob haircut that is slightly longer in the front than in the back… all for only 250 baht!! The hair dresser even straightened my hair all nicely for me, and I haven’t yet washed it, so hopefully it looks alright when it’s all curly. Today I went to the mall with Elisabeth, since we needed to get some pictures printed, and we in desperate need of seeing a movie. We ended up seeing Fast and the Furious 4 (which I had honestly never even heard of before now), since it was the only English movie playing. And I must say, I actually quite enjoyed it. Oh, and before the movie they played a preview for Angels and Demons! Which I’m super excited for.. and it turns out it’s coming out in theatres May 14th, which makes it even better because it means I will be able to see it with Elisabeth and Patch, since they are also both super excited for it, before heading back to Canada.
