วันศุกร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Dance Contest

This morning assembly lasted for almost an hour. Luckily, the ground was dry, so we could actually sit down instead of just squatting down. However, my legs still feel asleep so badly that I could barely stand, and when I tried walking, it felt just like it did after I broke my leg and had to learn to walk again. The reason it went on so long was because there was a show of Thai dancing going on. I couldn't really see anything honestly, because of all the people sitting in front of me. Cherry usually sits behind me, but beacuse she was detemined to see the Thai dancing, she just left me to go sit at the front. It turned out alright though, because I ended up talking a whole bunch with 3 girls who were sitting beside me. And when I stay talking a whole bunch, I mean they asked me pretty much the only questions they know in English and I tried to give them very simple answers which they could understand. One of the girls was really nice though, and explained to me which part of Thailand each different dance routine was from. I've actually started to notice that more people seem to talk to me when Cherry isn't around me. Sometimes I wish I didn't have a host sister in my class, just because it seems like I'm almost expected to be best friends with her, and it almost feels like I can't have any of my own friends who she isn't friends with. There are so many different people who say hi to me at school and seem like they want to get to know me, and I actually would like to get to know them too. I don't want to confine myself to only a small group of friends while I'm here. The other day at lunch, I was actually kind of excited because I had nobody to eat lunch with, so I planned to just go to the cafeteria and sit with these girls who always gesture for me to go eat lunch with them, but I'm already with Cherry and company. However, at the last minute, Patch phoned me up to meet for lunch. Today when I was waiting for Patch at the cafeteria, some random gay guy asked me to go have lunch with him and his friends, and I honestly think I would have gone if I wasn't waiting for Patch. But then one of Cherry's friends who usually eats lunch with us came up to me and asked if I wanted help getting food, so I said yes and went with her.

Today after school there was a break dancing competition going on. I went and watched it, and it was kind of fun, despite some of the horrible dancing. Quite a few of the routines were just people standing up on stage, flailing their arms around to the music, and really doing no break dancing at all. It was more of a tamed version of hip hop. I enjoyed it all the same though. As part of the rules, they all had to dance to the same song. And now, very unfortunately, that song is engraved in my mind. Garr. Two of Patch's friends ended up winning, and I'm glad they did, because they really were the best performers, despite the lack of any actual breakdancing. Apparently now they will go on to compete against the winners from different schools.

This is officially the first weekend since I've been here that I have absolutely no plans! I think it might be good, because it will give me a chance to sleep in for once, and maybe tidy up my room a little bit if I'm feeling ambitious. I also need to start working on my Thai. It's so frustrating, because it seems like whatever one of my Thai Language teachers tells me, the other one thinks it's wrong. Yesterday my AFS coordinator taught me how to write "my name is.." in Thai. Ajan Supanee saw how I wrote it all out, and she told me it was wrong. It's just confusing because I don't know which one is right. My host dad told me that there is a bike I can ride down the road by our house if I want for exercise, although apparently I'm not allowed to go alone. I don't think I can even go with just Cherry, I need one of my host brothers to go with me. Which kind of sucks, because it would be nice to just have some alone time while bike riding. Anyways, I'm hoping that maybe tomorrow I will get a chance to go, and be able to explore a bit. And hopefully I wont get too bored this weekend....
