วันอังคารที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Today is Dookie's 3rd Birthday. Just so you all know.

Today I actually went to school. Yay me. However, since I'm done my Flower Making class, I had the whole morning free. I spent the first couple of periods just on the computer, checking my emails and emailing different people and what not. For the last period before lunch I went with Patch to one of her classes, where the teacher was just basically giving the students advice for college. I felt almost bad because just me being there was enough to distract the whole class from what the teacher was saying. A bunch of students came and sat by me and started asking me all kinds of things, and getting me to repeat a bunch of different things in Thai, and I still have no idea what they were making me say. I know at one point they were trying to teach me a Thai toungue twister, and then the wanted me to teach them an English one, so I tried to teach them "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck..." It was good fun.
I ate lunch with Patch and Cherry, and I actually really liked what I had for lunch, which is rare for at school. Things tend to either be too spicy or too bland for me, which is pretty much expected with cafeteria food. Today I had an omelette with some kind of vegetable dish which was super yummy.
After lunch I had a free period, and then Thai music. My teacher explain to me that she wasn't feel well so I was just to practice the one song I know by myself. That got pretty boring pretty fast. I was supposed to have Thai Cooking for the last two periods, but my teacher couldn't make it, so more free time! I'm thinking next semester I really need to have a fuller schedule. At first I thought having all this free time would be fun, but it's really gotten boring quite quickly. However, my last two free periods today weren't so bad, since one of Patch's friends, the one who is studying Japanese in University, came because she needed Patch's help with some of her English homework. Some of the English words Patch didn't even understand though, so I had to explain them to her and then she would explain to her friend. After school we were sitting outside at one of the tables just visiting. The student teacher's stopped by and visited for a bit. Next week is their last week at the school. I think I will miss having them around, esepcially Natalie. Natalie was supposed to have some dance class after school, which she invited us to go to with her, so we waited around for a bit, but then she ended up not having the class, I'm not really sure why. Apparently yesterday at school her and the rest of the student teachers dressed up in student uniforms and put on a kind of play in front of the school. I'm actually really sad I missed it.
One of Cherry's friends told me that I have a postcard from Canada, but one of the teachers has it, and I was to go get it from her. So I went with Cherry's friend to the teacher's office, but she apparently had some meeting to go to, so I have to wait until tomorrow for my post card. I'm pretty sure it's from Bessy though, so Bessy if you're reading this, the postcard did get sent through alright, I just haven't actually gotten it yet! I'm so glad I can use email here, because if I had to rely purely on mail, I would never get anything. For example, since the AFS camp is coming up this weekend, AFS mailed me a package with information about it. However, my host parents opened the package, and lost the letter before I got a chance to see it. Cherry told me she would look for the letter a couple of days ago for me, but then she "forgot", so I'm going to hound her tonight to find it. I wasn't too worried before, because I know AFS mailed a similar package to my AFS coordinator, but she apparently fell down this morning and got injured, so I'm not sure if she will be at school in the next couple of days.. So I'm probably not going to be able to get the information from her either. It's very frustrating, because I only have a few more days before the camp, and I need to know if there's anything special I need to do in order to prepare for it. It would also be nice to know where it is and all that other information too. One thing I'm deffinately learning from this experience is patience. I'm going to be the most patient person in the world if all this waiting around for mail nonsense keeps up...
