Today Pailin took me to a "fun park" which was just outside of Bangkok called "DreamWorld." Her mom own a travel agency here in Bangkok, so she was able to get us tickets for uber cheap, and one of the companies drivers drove us there, since Pailin didn't really know the roads well enough to drive herself. There weren't too many rides there, but it was fun none the less. There were lots of foreigners there, so I didn't feel quite as abnormal as I usually do while here. Although, while we were getting off of this one rides called the Spider (kind of like a Srambler ride) this one random guy took 3 pictures of us just walking by. It was weird, and awkward. He didn't ask to take our picture, like a few people asked me while I was in Chaiyaphum, he just took it. Also, I found that when we were on the Bumper Cars, and I would ram into other people, they would just kind of glare at me as if they were thinking, "stupid foreigner." Hmmm. We went on a few different rides, my favorite being the Hurricane. It kind of flings you around upside down a few times and then they stop you right while you're upside down and lower you slowely into a fountain of water that is shooting up so your head gets wet. We went on that one twice :P My other favorite part of the day was a short elephant ride we took for 50 baht each. I've decided Asian Elephants are my new favorite animals. They are so much smaller/cuter/less scary than African Elephants. I really wanted to get a picture of me sitting on the elephant, but since Pailin was up there with me... I couldn't get one. But I did manage to get one of me standing beside the elephant:
And here is the view from on top of the elephant:
Other rides we went on included the Grand Canyon (the same as Thunder Canyon in Silverwood, and we both got COMPLETELY SOAKED), the Viking (one of those old looking boats that goes back and forth), and a rollar coaster type thing that was super fun. I told Pailin that if she comes and visits me in Canada I will take her down to Silverwood. She said if she ends up moving to Britain someday, she will just hop on a plane and come visit me. I was like, "sure you can, but it will be a 12 hour plane ride." We also went on a Cable Car type ride, and saw a good view of the rest of the park:
Afterwards, her driver drove me home. Now I'm here. I was told to go up to my room and rest because I look tired today. I didn't complain though, because really all I feel like doing now is reading some of Alias Grace, and possibly sleeping. Oh and by the way, it's been 1 month today since I've been in Creston/been at home/seen Dookie/seen Jessica. and I miss it all.