วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551


So since my internet has yet again failed me, this post, unfortunately, is going to be picture-less. Which sucks for you because I have some really nice pictures to share... Camping went pretty much how I expected it would. Although we did end up going camping at Khao Yai National Park (which I wasn't expecting), which is actually one of the places on my Must Visit List in Thailand list. I was planning visiting there with my family when they come in March. My host mom told me we would leave at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon (but since she's Thai that really meant about 4 or 5), and we ended up leaving at about 5 or 6 (I'm not sure). Due to a prolonged wait at a random 7-11 for my host cousin Ron, we didn't end up actually getting to the park until 9 45. Unfortunately the park gates close at 9, so we had to sit outside the gates looking cold and homeless unless one of the park rangers took pity on us and let us in. I quite enjoyed the drive through the park. It was all twitsty and turvy and mountainy, kind of like the lake road. It made me feel at home, after 5 months of the Alberta-esque roads in Bangkok (completely flat and straight). Oh, and Bangkokians drive alot like Alberta drivers too, just to let you all know.

By the time we actually got to the campground and had our tents all pitched (we being my host parents, host siblings, cousin Ron, and a bunch of Random other 30 year olds... kind of weird, Ron's (pregnant) wife wasn't around, but there was another nice lady there who was, ummmm, keeping Ron good company(?)) it was probably about midnight, and believe it or not, it was actually on the verge of cold! Although I can't really say it was cold compared to Canadian standards... but I could actually see my breath while breathing! All the Thai's were wearing their gloves and big winter jackets and toques and things and sitting there shivering.. but I was all nice and relaxed in my jeans and hoodie :) It was the coldest I've felt in quite a while, and I must admit I quite enjoyed it. I was fairly bored though, since everyone else was just sitting around, eating, and smoking "herbs"(???) (apparently alot of Muslims do it... it confuses me too...), so at around 130 I went to bed, despite being completely awake.

I woke up at about 9 the next morning, and we all just sat around for a few hours, eating and what not. There was a gang of monkeys all around the campground which would try to steal innocent campers' food. It was quite amusing. And at one point a Kimodo Dragon (sp?) wandered by! It was exciting for me, since it's the first time I've ever actually seen one.. but I wasn't really too keen on getting close. I went with Sunyair and 3 of the 30-ish girls in our camping group on a "hike" to a nearby (3 km) waterfall. However, we only got about halfway there, when all these girls in their fancy shoes and clothes got tired and called it quits. The rest of the time was just spent sitting around some more, while the Thais socialized. On our way back home we stopped at a beauuuutiful waterfall (1 km walk), although it's not the one within Khao Yai National Park from the movie the Beach (so I deffinatley have to go back just to see that one...) It was tall and quite lovely. I was hoping to post picture of it on here... but unfortunately you will all just have to wait until my internet decides to work in order to see it. If you're really desperate maybe try googling NamTok Haew Narok....?
