Eid ul-Adha (عيد الأضحى), or the Festival of Sacrifice, falls approximately 70 days after Eid ul-Fitr (end of Ramadan) and is celebrated in honor of the prophet Abraham willingness to sacrifice his son as a proof of his loyalty to God. Celebrations usually include presenting an animal (usually a cow or a sheep) sacrifice, and the meat is shared with family, friends and those in need.
The festival also marks the end of the Pilgrimage or Hajj to Mecca.
As with Eid ul-Fitr, there is an early morning prayer for the Eid, and celebrations lasts few days.
For me this meant skipping school (as I'm also doing today), going to the Mosque with my host family in the morning, and then visiting with different host families relatives throughout the rest of the day. I didn't get all dressed up in a hi-jab and Muslim clothes, I just wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt the whole day, which I was alot more comfortable wearing. Going to the Mosque wasn't actually that eventful as I just sat with my host mom and my lil brother and didn't take part in any of the praying at all. I did get a cute picture of me and my lil host brother all dressed up like Santa though:
Apparently today I'm going camping with my host family and some of their relatives. I'm not really looking forward to it so much as I think it will just be alot like yesterday, only minus the computer for me to kill time with. Hopefully there will at least be some good scenery to take pictures of, and some good food to eat. I think I'll be happy when I finally get to go to school again on Thursday, because this long weekend has just been toooooo long for me.