Nothing too exciting has happened in the last couple of days. Just thought I'd write a quick update to let you all know I'm still alive! Yay! I'm also apparently getting into the bad crowd of kids at school, according to all of my Thai friends... because I've been invited to go to a concert sometime with this same boy from school who is always asking me about playing bass. They all tell me he is "mai dee", a bad boy, and that I shouldn't be around him. All I know is that I would looooovvvvve to go to a concert sometime in Thailand. And don't worry, this whole going to a concert thing wouldn't be considered a date. This, I guess, is just one thing that sucks about being foreign in a new school: I have no idea who the "good" group of kids are, and who the "bad" group are... I really just become friends with whoever smiles and says hi to me. And as much as I'd just like to go by my instinct about who I would like to be friends with, it's esepcially hard to do in a Thai school when people are pretty much just friends with the kids in their particular class. (wow going back and reading that last sentence, it totally doesn't make any sense, but my English is failing me and I have no idea how to make it make sense...) I would love to be friends with and hang out with all the musician type kids at my school, but I don't want to risk losing the friendships I've developed with the "good" kids in my class.
One other thing of interest: I got postcards in the mail from Bessy and Auntie Heather yesterday! They were both beautiful, and totally made my day. Hint to all of you guys out there: I really enjoy getting mail. As easy as emailing can be, it's just not the same as getting actual physical mail.
Also, lately all of the Thai kids have been bringing "friendship" books to school. It's pretty much the same idea as us getting our friends to sign the empty pages in our yearbooks at school... except they happen to have whole books just full of blank pages for everyone to fill out with writing and pictures. I don't have one of my own yet, but I'm hoping to get one soon to have all my Thai friends fill out... I've spent alot of time lately filling out my classmates "friendship" books (and alot of the books I'm filling out I don't even know the name of the person who they belong to... my bad) which is nice because it gives me something to do during the day (since I STILL don't have my own schedule...... everytime I see my Coordinator I ask her about it, and everytime she gives me some lame excuse for why it isn't finished yet....). I pretty much have a standard message which I write in each one.. it goes:
I have enjoyed being in your class this year at school. You have been a kind friend to me in Thailand. I hope we get to spend more time together before I go back to Canada. I will miss you when I go back to Canada, but hopefully I will see you again one day.
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