The rest of the day was spent just hanging around the school with my friends, and waiting for Win's band to play... They played really well, although it was a much softer set than the screamo they usually play.. I took a couple of videos of them, but since I was so far from the stage none of them really turned out all that well... And I do have a video of me dancing, but since I'm using dial-up internet right now, it will take forever to load.. and I don't really have forever. I'll upload it when I can get some time on a high speed connection...
This morning I met with Ing, Fon, and Yah (3 girls from my class) at the Nongchok Market, where we bought some food for making Suki, and then we all went to Patch's house... I guess they had to work on a socials project about helping the environment or something, I'm not really sure... But pretty much all we did was walk around Patch's house (where there are all kinds of fruit trees and vegetables and what not growing) and taking pictures of ourselves pretending to water the plants and what not. We also dug up a few potatos from Patch's garden which Ing cooked in a fire, and then we ate them with sugar, which trust me, I found very strange. I tried to convince them that baked potatos are much better with sour cream and cheese and bacon bits and what not, but they all wanted to puke at the idea of eating potatos like that. Then we made suki, which pretty much consists of boiling noodles, vegetables, and various meats in a pot to make soup... I guess it's really healthy for you, but personally it's not my favourite thing to eat (esepcially when the meat isn't thoroughly cooked enough...) It was fun though.. we hooked about 5 extention cords together to that we could take a rice cooker out into the yard and cook the suki outside and had kind of a picnic. There were lots of leftovers though, and Patch tried to convince us to eat them all by telling us to think of the starving kids in Africa who have no food or no clean water... which only made me realize how truly amazing of a person Patch is... her house really isn't much, and she doesn't own many possesions, but she isn't starving.