On Friday after school, Patch and I were picked up by a guy named P'Tee (who Patch knows somehow... I'm not really sure how :S) to take us to the 27 Resort at Supanburi. Apparently the reason for going was because this resort is developing a new show full of Thai dance and what not which will open next month, and they need Patch to help translate the commentary for it into English. And once she has translated it for them, they will record her voice reading it... and play it during the show each night (for all the foreigners to understand, I guess). She also recently translated the brochure for their whole resort thingy from
Thai into English (with a little help from me in the way of grammar and just making everything sound alright (because sometimes when you just translate directly from one language to another, things just don't sound right....)) We stopped in Minburi (the district of Bangkok which is right next to Nongchok... it's where Elisabeth lives too) to pick up Patch's cousin (named "Patcha") from school... and we got to the resort at about 7 pm. When we arrived, they had already started running through a rehearsal of the show.. so the dancers weren't in full costume with makeup or anything. And I must admit that you could deffinately tell at some points that the dancers were confused and didn't really have the whole routines memorized yet. BUT, they still all amazed me with their ability to actually dance Thai.... being able to bend their hands back so far that their fingers almost touch their forearms... and flexing their feet so much that their toes stick straight up into the air... For the last dance of the night, they (well it was actually Patch who said it through the microphone) asked all of the audience to join in and kind of Thai dance our way around in a circle. I joined in of course, and for some reason all of the Thai dance steps I've learned in school completely flew out of my brain...... it was still a good time though. There was a group of foreign women there, and Patch and I got to talking to them...... and......... one was Canadian!!!!! Second one I've talked to in almost 7 months now! Can you sense the excitement? haha. But really, I always love talking to foreigners here, to see what they're doing in Thailand, what places they are visiting, what do they think of the Thai people, etc. Since most of them are tourists, and are only staying here for a few weeks, they all seem really impressed with the fact that I've been here for almost 7 months now!! (I know, I even amaze myself sometimes....)
When the show was over, we ate dinner in the resort, and then Patch, Patcha, and I just kind of hung out in our hotel room. Patcha taught me a silly little game, and Patch took a video of us playing it. I also have a video of Patch teaching me the steps to "ah-belle" (the thing Asians tend to do when they take pictures.... make their eyes all big, their mouth all small, and give the peace sign), and of course a video of some of the Thai dances (including the one where I joined in hahaha) which I'm currently uploading on my webshots account... We finally went to sleep around 1 in the morning... This morning we woke up fairly early (7 a.m.), under the impression that we would head back to Bangkok around 9.. However, since this is Thailand after all, and Thais seem to run on their own kind of schedule...... P'Tee wasn't ready to take us back until almost 11. He brought me all the way back to my home in Nongchok, where I discovered that none of my host family members were home, and the door was locked and unfortunately, although my host dad did give me a key to the house, I lost it on the same day he gave it to me... well, quite possibly my host gramma was home, but she has a tendency to not answer the door when people are knocking. So I phoned my host dad on his phone, and he said they'd be home in 10 minutes........ I just waited around for them, listening to my ipod, and when they got home, we went out to each sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many noodles that I'm still feeling full hours and hours later. My host family all complimented me on how well I use chopsticks though, which was deffinately a nice thing to hear :) esepcially since I had to work so hard at the beginning of this exchange just to be able to use them...
And if you look really closely at that picture, you can see me dancing away in my yellow school sport uniform haha. And the new videos can be found here: http://community.webshots.com/album/565019446hXFBpQ?start=24