Plans ended up working out with Elisabeth for New Years Eve… We met up at The Mall during the day, and celebrated it being the last day of 2008/2551 by going to see Madagascar 2 and eating ice
On Thursday morning when we woke up, we realized we had a four day weekend ahead of us with absolutely nothing to do. So, Ellie and I decided to go to MBK shopping center (which we have only been to once before for like 1 hour).. but for some reason the bus we needed to take didn’t show up for about the half hour we waited at the bus stop… so then we just gave up and went back to The Mall, where we watched Bedtime Stories (in the VIP theatre! Which meant we got to sit on this suuuuper comfy couch thingy and we got free drinks and what not) and ate crepes and drank tea. I talked to my host mom on the phone, and I told her I would be back “today”, but I guess what she thought I said was that I would be home in “two days”… so when I got home last night (Elli’s host dad drove me) everyone in my host family was all confused and asking me why I was home…
Elli and I are going to try and make plans for something to do on Saturday/Sunday… there are sooo many things we still need to do and see in Bangkok, the problem is that because we aren’t really familiar with the city, we don’t know how to get to any of these places… Hopefully we will get something figured out, because I don’t really want to spend this entire weekend at home.
The above picture of me and Elli is the first picture of me in 2009! (how exciting, I know)
And here is a video of the big countdown (right before me and my camera got sprayed with beer):