So, as you all know, I spend the last few days in the North of Thailand... Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai to be exact. We got there by train which was... an experience. Very long, and very uncomfortable. So even though we went on the night train (left Bangkok on Thursday evening and didn't get to Chiang Mai until 1 p.m. on Friday) I only slept for about an hour. We spent the time on the train just taking pictures and playing a few games... nothing too exciting. When we finally did reach Chiang Mai, we quickly transferred onto a bus to drive to Chiang Rai where we spent Friday night. The other two nights were spent in Chiang Mai...
We spent our days just kind of travelling around different mountains and touristy type places in the North. We went to a garden on top of a mountain and spent an entire morning taking pictures with flowers. Honestly, you'd be surprised how many pictures of themselves with flowers Thai people seem to need. And honestly, I think I'm the kind of person who would rather go elephant riding in the mountains or bungy jumping... I can only look at flowers and temples for so long. But the company was good, so I enjoyed myself. I hung out with Patch, Cherry, and Cherry's best friend Boat who just got back from her exchange to Chile. Boat's parents are both teachers at my school, and since we had to be chaperoned around by teachers, we just stuck with her parents, who are extremely nice. Boat invited me to go over to her house sometime soon for dinner, which I think will be fun. She seems really nice (although the poor girl got so motion sick whilst we were driving up the mountain). And apparently around the end of January another one of Cherry's best friends named Mook will be coming back from Peru. In the course of a few days I visited both the furthest North part of Thailand (the golden triangle), and the highest place in Thailand on the top of a mountain. The Golden Triangle really wasn't all that exciting. It was just muddy looking river with some shops and a temple. I enjoyed going up to see the highest place in Thailand.. and I was kind of looking forward to it being a bit
chilly. However, I guess a Thai person's idea of coolness is VERY different from my own. So while I was just wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, my Thai friends were all decked out in long johns with toques and winter jackets and gloves and what not. Honestly, it wasn't even freezing out (I don't know the exact temperature, but I saw absolutely no frozen water or anything, so it really wasn't that cold.) Also, these Thai people who have lived in Bangkok their whole lives really aren't used to windy mountain roads. While I was enjoying the views and what not in the back of a SongTaew going up the mountain, the Thai's who were with me well, umm, weren't enjoying it quite as much. Boat ended up throwing up which kind of set off a chain reaction where another teacher threw up and then well I started to feel icky because of the smell and yeah......... not fun. I was quite glad to get out of there and smell some good clean fresh mountain air at the end of it to clear my head a little.
During the evenings we went shopping. My favourite place which we went shopping was deffinately
at Walking Street in Chiang Mai. Actually I think it was probably my favourite place we went during the whole trip. I found all kinds of sweet souvenirs (but I'm not saying what there are... that would ruin the surprise for you all!) that I haven't seen anywhere before in Thailand (which is amazing trust me.. usually it's the same thing no matter where you go shopping). I bought for myself a t-shirt that says "Chiang Mai Thailand" on it and has a maple leaf of all things. I HAD to buy it. Come on, its like Thailand and Canada all mixed together. I bought a handmade tutu for a little doggy I know..... and a few other random things. We came back once again by train, and this time I slept the entire way... It was tres uncomfortable on my neck, and a couple of times I somehow hit my head on the window sill whilst sleeping.... now I have a sore spot on my head :(
I took quite a few pictures during the whole thing, but Patch took more. So, there are alot which I am missing for now, until Patch sends them to me. But for now, here is the link to the ones which I took myself (and sorry, I haven't had time to go through and write captions for each one yet...):