วันเสาร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Sports Days

This Thursday and Friday my school had Sports Days. Now for those of you (i.e. everyone who is from a country other than Thailand) who aren't familiar with the whole Sport Day tradition: in each school every student is sorted into a team, which is represented by a certain colour. My school's colours are blue, pink, purple, and red. Each team has a theme, which all of their costumes and decorations are centered around. The pink teams theme was "Pink In Wonderland", blue's was "The Sea", purple's was "DoomsDay", and red's was "Kindergarden" on one day, and "Airline" on another day.. Sports Days involve these teams all competing against eachother in different sports, and well as in cheerleading, and in the parade during the opening ceremonies. Honestly, despite the fact that this whole event is referred to as "Sports Days", there really isn't too much actual sport-playing. Alot of effort was put into decorations and costumes for each team, and it seemed to me more like the main event was the cheerleading, and then they just played a little bit of sport while the cheerleaders took a break (the opposite of how it is during most sports competitions, when the cheerleaders come on to entertain the crowd while the athletes have a time out).

I was on the pink team (si chompu), and was asked by my classmates to dress up in Thai dress, and be part of the opening ceremonies. When I agreed to do this, I was unaware that part of the opening ceremoies involved each team parading throughout Nongchok, all the way to the market and back. While this distance isn't really that far (well it is far for Thai standards because Thai people NEVER walk anywhere), I had to do the whole thing in high heeled shoes. Two days later my feet and legs are still hurting (I was woken up in the middle of the night last night by a shooting pain in my right leg, which felt alot similar to the shooting pains I used to get alot in the middle of the night after I broke my (left) leg...) I had to wake up at 4 in the morning and go to school at 5 on Thursday, in order to have my hair and makeup all done for the big event. When I got there all of the cheerleaders for our team were already decked out in their full costumes... hair and makeup and all. Apparently they had been there since midnight doing extra decorating and getting all ready. Honestly, I'm really quite blown away by how much work Thai students put into this whole event. The dress I wore was entirely gold, complete with a golden bra :S I liked it alot. When it was time for the opening ceremonies, we started out just standing in the middle of the football field all lined up in our processions for quite some time, and then we walked. And walked. And walked. Patch kept on offering me flip-flops throughout the whole thing, but I was detemined to stay in my high heels as long as all of the Thai girls were staying in their high heels. I had planned to take off my heels as soon as we got back to school, however, when we finally arrived back, we had to stand on the field some more while some Thai people made speeches. Then we had to march all around the field once again. One thing that is different about Thai people, is that they must have grand ceremonies for EVERYTHING. I honestly don't understand it. Our opening ceremonies including a person running around the field carrying a torch then lighting this thing on fire, just as if it were the Olympics. Then there were all these fireworks, which I thought was a little silly because it was 8 in the morning and perfectly light outside, so nobody could see the fireworks anyways. I was quite glad when I was able to take off my heels... although once I took them off I had this really weird sensation that felt like I was walking in work of reverse-high heels.

I didn't really have to much to do with the rest of the Sports Days. I just sat around and watched a bit, visiting with Patch and my other class mates. In the afternoon on Thursday Patch and I went and took naps in the air conditioned teachers room. I was very aware of all the Thai students standing outside the door and pointing at the silly farang sleeping on the couch. On Thursday evening, Elisabeth from Germany slept at my house, in order to come to my school with me on Friday... So, Sports Day on Friday pretty much involved sitting around with Elli while my classmates and random school kids stopped by the question her about where she was from and take pictures of us and things. It was fun though. Really nice to have another foreinger around, since I'm the only one at my school and all. However, I must admit that Elli's Thai is muuuucccch better than mine. And trust me, all of the Thais (including my host family) like to point out that fact to me. I know I really shouldn't be complaining about this, because if I was really motivated I could be studying Thai in alot of my time at home instead of reading or watching TV or whatever... but I honestly am never going to be one of those people who can just pick up on a language on my own. I really need someone to teach me. And the fact that I've been back at school for over a month now and still don't have my own schedule isn't helping at all. Although I am having fun at school visiting with my friends and what not, one month has now gone by that I could have spent learning Thai language, Thai cooking, Thai music, etc. My Advisor keeps telling me she will have my schedule ready "next week", but so far it hasn't happened. My host family keeps asking me why Elisabeth's Thai is so much better than mine. And I tell them it is because she studies for two hours each day at school with her teacher, and I don't, because my Advisor (who is my host dad's sister) is to busy or lazy or whatever to make my class schedule up. It's just frustrating is all. I think on Monday I will try to talk to my Coordinator and tell her I NEED my schedule.. because there are so many things I want to learn, and I've just spent a month not learning them. This is the only chance I will get to learn these things in a Thai school, and I don't want to waste any more of it...

Ok, enough ranting. After school on Friday, Elli and I went to MBK shopping center with my host family. I bought for myself one of those Chinese cat things that sits there with it's arm swinging back and forth. I've wanted one for quite a while, and my original plan was to buy one in ChinaTown... but so much for that. It is now sitting next to my beauty contest trophy, and it is deffinately one of my favourite things I've purchased since being here :)

Sports Day Pictures:
