วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Upon having requests from people for more videos, I took this video on the way home from school today. It shows the area from the main road in Nongchok to my host families house. Near the end of the video, the tallish/squarish pink builiding is where I live. Upstairs consists of mine and Cherry's bedroom with my bathroom, while downstairs there is a TV/exercise room and Cherry's bathroom. I thought you guys might be interested in kind of seeing what it's like where I live... so enjoy!

Last night I woke up early in the morning because my stomach was giving me some problems. I contemplated just staying home from school for the day, but decided I might as well go since it didn't give me any more problems during the night, and since I didn't have any classes in the afternoon, if my stomach was giving me problems then, I could just go home. So I took some pepto bismol and just hoped for the best. Everything was alright for the morning. I had two classes, Thai Music and Thai Language. In Thai Music, I just learned the rest of a song my teacher had started teaching me last week. In Thai Language, I began learning the Thai Alphabet. To sum it up, it consists of 44 "alphabets", with five tones and four symbols. I'm not sure what the symbols are for but my teacher didn't elaborate. I was to meet up with Pailin (I've been spelling her name wrong the whole time (Pylynn) ooops, my bad) at lunch since I had the whole afternoon free. Since she only had one class which was right after lunch, I decided to just wait for her to be done, and then we could leave school and go out for lunch. While I was waiting, my stomach acted up again, and now I can officially say I have been sick when the only toilet around was a squat toilet. At least there was running water. And at least I had a stash of pepto bismol in my backpack. By the way, I forgot to mention before that they don't have lockers at the schools here, everyone just carries around everything in these regulation school backpacks, all with the school name embroidered on the front. When Pailinn was done teaching, we went to her house, and then took her dog Floppy out for a walk to the restaurant we were eating at. I ate brazil leaf fried with chicken, and papaya salad. It was a bit spicier this time, and I must say, although I deffinately cannot eat anything as spicy as the Thai's can, I'm deffinately building up a spice tolerance already. Pailin then took me home, and she hung around for about an hour until she had to go tutor. She talked to my host mom about going to DreamWorld on Saturday, and ran by her the idea of Kla taking us. However, my host mom told her she thinks Kla is busy on Saturday. She also didn't like the idea of us going by taxi, or by van. Actually, I don't think she is really fond of us going at all. She told Pailin that since I'm going to be here for a year, she thinks I shouldn't rush to see as much as I can right now, and so instead spend some time relaxing and settling in. And she does have a point, because I could deffinately do with some good relaxation. The problem is though, that when I spend too much time doing nothing, that's when I start to get homesick... Anyways, I think what will happen is Pailin's Mom's Driver might drive us to Dream World.

วันพุธที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Phantom of the Opera (almost)

My Rose (I thought you would like to see it, Bessy)

Not the best picture, but I thought you would like to see my uniform.

Me with some random market guy, outside of Tops


This morning after I posted already, I went to my Thai Language class with Ah-Jan (Teacher) Supanee. She just taught me some new words, such as toothbrush, which I already forget. I think I might start making flashcard type things for all these new Thai words like I made for Biology last year. I mean it helped me learn words like Sphincter, so I don't see why it won't help me learn Thai :P At lunch I went and met up with Cherry and her friends in the cafeteria. I ate fried rice with a fried egg, which was pretty good. For dessert we had "Thai desserts" (duh) which looked like little green slimey frog eggs in coconut milk. Looks gross, but tastes good. However, the serving which the lunch lady gave me was HUUUGE and I was only able to eat about half of it before I was overpowered with sweetness and had to stop eating. I drank about a gallon of water to try and get rid of the taste. After lunch I went to the English room, because all the student teachers have been commenting about how they haven't seen me very much lately. But while I was there, they were all busy with teaching things, so I ended up just reading my CultureShock Thailand book, which honestly explains everything I'm going through right now perfectly! It's good to know I'm not the only foreigner who feels this way. I finished making my fish in my flower making class. I made it out of fake money (I think it was DragonBallZ Money), but honestly, it probably would have been cheaper just to make it out of real bills rather than to buy the fake money :P I spent the last block writing up a "profile" which is going in the "school magazine", which I think means either a school newspaper, or a yearbook. I spent forever typing up this nice little paragraph about my life in Creston and my hopes for this year in Thailand, and then my coordinator told me to just do it in point form. I also had to include a picture of me from in Canada, and since I really didn't have any pictures on my camera from in Canada, I put a one of me on top of the Eiffel Tower (they don't know thats where it is, shhh) and one from prom with Keith, Alyson, and Elise. P'Kla came and picked me up after school (no Beam because she is studying for a test). I spent an hour or so reading (Alias Grace, it's super good, I have troubles putting it down!) and then Kla came in and wanted to know if I wanted to watch the Phantom of the Opera with him. So we started watching it, but didn't get far before Pylynn phoned and kind of invited herself over. I ate supper while Pylynn hung out with Cherry, and then we all just kind of visited with Kla and one of Korn's random friends. Since neither Pylynn or I have plans for this weekend, we are thinking of maybe going to DreamWorld, a kind of "fun park" type thing here in Bangkok. The only problem is though that Pylynn doesn't want to drive, because she doesn't know her way around that area of Bangkok, which is understandable. So tomorrow we might see if Kla could drive us (if he is free) and then maybe Beam can come along too and the four of us can spend the day together.

One thing I've noticed about Thais (and it's probably true for all Asians) which is driving me crazy right now, is how they constantly mix up the letters R and L. For example, when my coordinator was teaching me Thai the other day, she was dictating Thai words to me while I was writing down what I heard, and she said, "la" so I wrote down "la" and she was all, "no no no it's spelled RER". Grrrrr. And they all say "Ah-lay-nah?" all the time, which means "what?" but when I asked Patch about it, she said it's "Ah-RAY-nah?" Even though they say "lay" Drives me crazy.

วันอังคารที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Yesterday school was pretty pointless. I had a double block of flower making, but started making a fish out of money instead. I will finish it this afternoon. It was very tedious work, having to fold money like the tiniest fan I've seen in my life. And the teacher didn't really give me many instructions, she just gave me one to kind of copy and figure it out myself. In the afternoon, Patch took me to the Siam Bank to open an account there. The bank people were nice, and I feel so much better now that my money is in the bank rather than just sitting at my host families home... After that, we walked to Tops and shopped around the market a bit, bought popcorn, and then P'Kla and P'Beam came and picked me up. Once we got home and sat around for a little bit and then realized we had nothing to do, the three of us went to Fashion Island. I didn't buy anything, but Kla got a whiteboard (don't ask me why) and Beam got a new badminton racket. Speaking of badminton, I'm supposed to have Badminton class today, but my host family still hasn't bought me a sport uniform yet. There is one guy at school who keeps trying to talk to me, but he doesn't speak any English, so sometimes he talks to Patch and then she talks to me. Anyways, apparently he has a band which he plays drums in, and he keeps wanting to know what kind of music I play. I'm not sure if he'll ask me to go play with them sometime, but I really would love to, because I miss my bass :( and playing with a band.
While at Fashion Island, we spent about 10 minutes playing some air hockey, during which I lost quite badly to Kla, but did alright against Beam. We went and ate at the foodcourt there, and I really must admit, I'm getting so sick of nasty Thai food from food courts/the school cafeteria. I'm really not looking forward to lunch today, which is coming quite soon... I don't mind nice home cooked Thai food, but fast food stuff is just bad. We had a spur of the moment idea to go see Hellboy after we were done eating, even though it was a school night for me and I would be up late. I really didn't care. The movie ended up being alot better than I had expected, but I think partly I only thought it was so good because it was in English. However, I did get super tired about halfway through, and spent the rest of the movie just trying to stay awake.. So when I got back to my host families home (around 11 pm) I just went straight to bed and didn't write on here. I've been sooo tired lately. I even noticed last night that I now have bags under my eyes from being so exhausted. I'm seriously considering asking if I can just skip a day of school to try and catch up on my sleep. I know I can sleep in on weekends, but so far I just haven't been able to sleep in at all.
This morning at school for the first two periods there was a play to go watch. Since it was in Thai, Patch had offered to bring me a copy of the play that was in English, so I could read along, but then she was sick today and didn't end up going to school. So I went to the play, but I was bored out of my mind and in incredible pain from having to sit cross-legged while wearing these stupid annoying shoes with huuuge buckles on the sides that dig into the sides of my feet and cut off the circulation. When the play was over and I finally got to stand up, I felt my hips like pop back into place... Not a good sign. Since Patch isn't here today at school, that means I'll probably just be going home right after school, so hopefully Beam is around to keep my company.
I think the one dog might have had her puppies, but I'm not sure, because the other day Cherry and I had a conversation that went like this:
Cherry: "Guess how many puppies?"
Me: "Oh she had the puppies?"
Cherry: "Yes, guess how many?"
Me: "Six?"
Cherry: "I think nine."
Me: "Where are they?"
Cherry: "I think soon."
Me: "Oh, okay."

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Today was, to be quite honest, quite boring, and deffinately not a very fun filled day. I went to my Thai Art class first thing this morning, and we pretty much just started drawing these super complicated Thai design thingys. We didn't get very far though, just far enough to draw out all the lines which map out where everything else will go. My Thai Language class with my AFS coordinator only lasted about 10 minutes, because her son was in a car accident yesterday, and she was busy getting things sorted out with the insurance. In the end, she told me it worked out like this: her son was the last car in a kind of domino-effect car crash, and apparently there is a law in Thailand which says even the last person to hit the cars in front is guilty somehow. Now, although her son wasn't hurt, she didn't actually have any insurance on the car he was driving. Well, I'm honestly not really sure what there was no insurance for, she just said there was no insurance to cover it. But, today she talked to the insurance company, and she got insurance for everything. So, even though the accident happened yesterday, it isn't going to happen for a couple of days. She told me one of her ex-students is a police man, and they've sorted it all out. Yay for corrupt policemen! I spent the rest of my morning just hanging out with Patch in the computer room. We went and met up with Cherry and Nink for lunch, and then headed back to the computer room until I had my Thai Dance class, as Patch needed to go to and give back a Thai Dress which the teacher had leant her. However, just before we were supposed to go, my AFS coordinator informed us that there was a teacher meeting for all the teachers in the school, so the last two classes of the day were cancelled. I wish I would have known sooner, because then I could have just taken the afternoon off, and gone and hung out with Manda and Juan, seeing as they have Monday afternoons free... One of Patch's friends who graduated last year named Aah met us at the school, and together we walked to the park which is right next to the school to check out the fitness center they have there. Patch is interested in joining, so I thought I would go see what they have to offer. It only costs 20 baht for a 1 year membership (that's not even a dollar!) and they offer all kinds of things such as tae-kwan-do, which me and Patch are both interested in, however they have no oppenings at the moment. The three of us then walked to Tops, and we looked around for a little bit, and I got a bubble tea! It was apple flavoured with just the regular black bubbley things. I called Kla to come pick me up. When we got back to my host families home, Beam and I finished watching Ratatouille. She also showed me a photo album with pictures from all of her trips around Thailand, such as to the South of Thailand and in all these neat caves. There was one awkward moment that happened though. Beam brought in a platefull of hot dogs for us to eat. Now remember before I mentioned that these hot dogs are filled with a weird mayonaise like substance. I went to bite into one of them, and the white mayo stuff shot out of the other end and right into Beam's lap. It was awkward, and I was embarassed to say the least. Not much else happened the rest of the night. We just had dinner, I read some of my book, and now I'm here. However, I'm not feeling to well. I'm feeling a little nauseaus. I think I'm going to take a shower soon and then go to bed early, because besides feeling a little sick, I'm also feeling soooooo exhausted. I've been sleeping through the night fine, so I don't know why I'm feeling so tired all the time. But I think I would do well to get some extra couple hours of sleep tonight. Oh, I forgot to mention before that today my host dad left to go to Europe for a week for some government thing. I'm not really sure what government thing, as I'm still not really sure exactly what his government position is, however, AFS has given him a warning not to involve me in any of his politcal stuff. All I know is is, the other day at the post office, some guys were asking Pylynn about me, and as soon as they found out who my host dad is, they backed right off.... I'm still not sure if having him for a host dad is a good thing or a bad thing. I guess if the people all like him and respect him around here it's good....

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Waterfalls (?)

Last night I got my own bed (!). Pretty much it is just a thin foamy mattress on the floor. It's comfortable though, so I don't want to complain. Just it's when they told me I could have my own bed, I kind of imagined something a little different. I will post pictures once I take some of it. Last night my host parents also told me they were taking me to see a waterfall this afternoon. I thought that would be sweet, and I made plans to talk to my parents and Keith on the phone for a while this morning before going. When I got up this morning, however, my host dad told me that we were leaving right away. Honestly, I was kind of pissed, because I had been looking forward to talking to Keith all week, and I wanted to phone my family to wish Jessica a happy birthday. I was able to phone really quick, but I wasn't able to talk for as long as I would have liked to... Anyways, it was just my host parents and I who went to see the "falling water". But first my host dad had to go see "his people". I had no idea what that meant, but it turned out to mean me sitting in the car for 20 minutes while him and my host mom talked to some people who lived in this village. I think maybe he's going through some kind of politcal campaign right now, and trying to round of votes. I'm not really sure, but nobody really tells me anything about it. After that we drove for a while, and I fell asleep. When I woke up we were in a mountainous area, and apparently we were near our destination. First we went to this river type thing, that was super beautiful, although we didn't get out of the car to look at it at all. We just drove around and gandered at all the Thai people swimming, and I admired the jungle type scenery. We stopped for lunch at a roadside restaurant thingy and had... papaya salad! We also had sticky rice, and I've decided I prefer sticky rice to real rice. It's just funner because you have to eat it with your fingers, and roll it into a little ball before you pop it in your mouth. Next we were to go to the waterfall. On the way, we listened to this CD with a man singing about the area of Thailand we were in (I'm not sure what it was called), but it turns out that the man singing was actually my host dad, and I must admit, he is a very good singer. I had no idea he also had his own records on top of the politcalness, the riceness, and the cockness. So we got to where the waterfall was supposed to be, got out of the car, and walked down to the river thingy (that must have been below the waterfall). We sat on the rocks for a few minutes, and then my host dad told me that we couldn't actually go see the waterfall because he hurt his knee and couldn't walk to it, but we would come back another time with all of my host siblings and see it. It was kind of dissapointing. We went to see a dam, that was huuuuge. Apparently where all the water is built up, there used to be a city with a temple, but they had to move it when the dam was built (duh). Then we drove to the "hospital" where they "cure people" so my host dad could get his knee healed. It honestly just looked like a buddhist temple to me, with all these crazy chiropractors, and one giant bed that about 6 people layed on at once while 6 chiropractors prodded and poked them. It felt like I waited there forever, while both my host mom and dad got "healed." I found it kind of amusing though, because despite all the Buddhist decorations (the walls were even painted with more of those pictures depicting what happens when you die if you do bad things during your life) the pillows were covered in a Christmas print, and some of the tiles on the benches had Santa on them. Maybe they're partly Christian there? Who knows... Not too much has happened since we got back to my host families home, besides just eating dinner, and now I'm writing this. I think my host family is really starting to get annoyed that I haven't unpacked yet, esepcially now that my bed is in here, and I'm supposed to move all of my crap out of the way for it. Cherry just came in and offered to move my stuff for me, but I told her no. Erg I still have my Thai Drawing homework stuff to do before bed! I have a feeling the whole unpacking scenario isn't going to happen tonight...

NOTE: If you watch the video of me feeding the elephant, the cute little grunting/squeaking noises that you hear, that's the elephant! So cute. And also, the only host sibling I don't have a picture of yet is Klang, as he wasn't at Cherry's birthday dinner, which is where all the other pictures are from...

Host Family Pictures (Plus Other Pictures)

P'Keng and his Girlfriend (pregnant one)
P'Beam, Korn, June (Korn's Girlfriend), Cherry, Me

P'Kla, P'Beam, Me

Host Mom, Host Dad

Manda, Me

Yay colorful Taxis

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Elephants and Birthdays

Today was the first day I got out and about without any Thai host family members or school people or Thai friends! Manda and I went to Siam Square, which is the fancy shopping part of Bangkok, with all the stores like Gucci and Guess and such. To say the least, I didn't buy anything. Last night after I went to bed, Manda phoned me and told me I should go to her house at 9 instead of 8, which was sweet because I got to sleep in an extra hour. When I woke up in the morning, I tried to phone Kla to let him know he didn't have to come pick me up until 830, but he didn't answer his phone, so I just went downstairs for breakfast. I ate breakfast with my host dad, and since Kla still hadn't showed up to drive me, I made plans with my host dad for him to take me. Just as I was finishing eating, Kla came running into the house in his pajamas, hair all dishevelled, and still wearing his retainer. He was all, "I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off this morning!" I told him it was okay because plans had been changed and I had tried to call him to let him know. It was still kind of funny though. So he drove me to Manda's house, which happens to be inside of Minburi Market. Her family owns a "gold shop" and then upstairs, above the shop is their home. It turns out her host sister, Nuch, is Korn's ex-girlfriend... Who would have known? Anyways, her sister is going to Belgium with AFS next month, and she had an AFS meeting thing in Siam Square, so we just went along. We went by van first, then took the sky train! It was pretty much like the London Underground, crowded and what not, except above ground instead of under. When we got to Siam Square, we ditched Nuch and just shopped around on our own for a bit, and made plans to meet up with Nuch for lunch. We pretty much just wandered around and looked at things, but didn't really buy anything. We tried calling Juan to see if he would want to meet up with us, but he was "in the hospital", which here means that he went to the doctor because he was sick. Nuch phoned us when she was ready for lunch, and asked us if we would like to her with her and her friend. We met up with them, and it turned out that her friend was like 30 AFS people. I met a few people who are going to Canada next month, but they're all going to Quebec... So it's not really like they're going to Canada. Not my Canada at least. We got all the way to the restaurant with them, and then realized that eating with them would take forever, and we wanted to see a movie, so we ditched and just went and had lunch on our own. We had burgers and fries! Best thing ever. We then headed up to the theatre to watch Batman the Dark Knight. I honestly saw so many suspicious couples at the theatre. And by suspicious, I mean a middle aged white man, with a beautiful young Thai girl. The movie was supposed to start at 2, and I had to be home at 5, so I figured we would have enough time, except there ended up being about half an hour of previews, followed by the Kings Song (during which everyone in the theatre much stand) and then the movie, which just by itself was long (but super good, english with Thai subtitles). It ended up being over at 5! We called up Nuch and she said she would meet us in half an hour to go home. We took the skytrain once again, and then went by van, however Nuch called Kla and he said for me to go to Fashion Island to meet him. He was waiting for me right where I got off the van (thank god or else I wouldn't have known where to find him). We went an got Beam, and then headed out for dinner at this Barbeque restaurant thing for Cherry's bday. I've decided I really don't like those kinds of restaurants. They have this mini grill thing at each table, and people grill their meat right on it. The thing is though, they use the same chopsticks to touch the raw meat and then eat off of them. The meat also tastes like it's never fully cooked to me. This particular restaurant was a buffet style one (100 baht per person), however, apparently if you don't eat all the food you take, they charge you extra. My problem was that Kla kept bringing me steaks and such (which was really nice of him), but I couldn't eat it all. We ended up sticking the leftover meat in a plastic bag and sneaking it out to give the dogs. While we were sitting there, a man with an elephant came over, and asked if I would like to feed it. I felt bad for it, being one of those elephants who just wanders around Bangkok with it's owner to impress tourists. But I am somewhat of a tourist, so I was impressed. It was so cute. I fed it little mini cucumbers, and Beam video'd it. It also made the cutest sounds... After dinner, we ate icecream at my host families house, and I gave Cherry her present. I think she liked it, however she didn't open the card, because I think maybe she didn't realize what it was. Anyways,



วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


This morning for classes I had a free period, followed by Thai art, and then Thai cooking. Thai art was deffinately alot more interesting than it was on Monday, because I actually did some Thai Art, not just art. While everyone else worked on drawing leaves, the teacher tried to explain to me in Thai how to draw some basic Thai designs. It wasn't working though, so she would just draw something and I would copy it, and then she would go "no, no, no" and re-do it for me. So pretty much the class was just me watching her draw everything twice. She actually gave me some homework though, the first homework I've had so far (besides practicing my Thai flute, which I haven't done yet, because I can kind of fake practicing for now). Thai cooking was interesting as well, because I actually had to cook with some other students and they didn't really speak English. So the teacher would just kind of show me what to do and then I would do it as best as I could, although that wasn't even very good because we all know how horrible of a cook I am. We made a Thai dessert which (in the end) was pretty much coconut milk and other liquidy things filled with coconut shavings, some kind of Thai vegetable, eggs, and these little balls of dough which I(!) deepfried. It was very tedious work just for a little bowl of dessert, because first we had to make all the dough (three different kinds-- yellow, green, and purple-- which all had different vegetables for taste and coloring mixed in with flour and water) and then we had to spend forever rolling them into tiny balls between our fingers. I didn't understand because only five of us were working on it, while the other 15 people in the class just sat and watched... very time consuming. I ate lunch in the cafeteria with Cherry and Nink. I'm not sure what I had, but it was good. I also went and got a water bottle all by myself. Cherry told me the word for water bottle so I could tell the lunch lady, and I said it to her, obviously not right though because she didn't understand me, so I ended up just pointing at the water bottles. It got the point across though. I spent my free period after lunch trying to figure out how to work the printer in the computer room so I could print a picture off of Patch's flash drive of Cherry and me, to frame and give to Cherry tomorrow. While I was doing that, my AFS advisor informed me that it had been my host mom's bday on the 21st. I thought that was kind of weird because I didn't remember anyone saying anything about a birthday... So then I started wondering what to get her, and I figured I would just do the same thing I'm doing for Cherry. Since the computer printers at the school suck, Pylynn offered to take me to her house to print off the pictures using her nice printer. We went to Carrefour for me to buy another picture frame and birthday card, but then it was time to go to my Thai Language class. It was completely awkward. Probably the first class since I've been here that I just spent looking at my watch. The teacher was really nice, she gave me some Thai desserts to take home with me, but the whole time she just quizzed me on words she thought I would know, and I didn't know any of them, and when I was confused about what she was asking, and tried to ask her to clarify in English, she didn't understand me. Very confusing. Once that was over and done with, Pylynn and I had to run back to Carrefour because she had some errands to do, then we went to the post office because I had some things to mail, and then went to her house to print the pictures. Nothing really too exciting about all that stuff. When I got home, Pylynn drove me home, I spent over an hour trying to get my camera to work. It seems like everyone else can load the pictures from it onto their computers except me, so I downloaded a new program and finally it works! A little later in the afternoon, my AFS advisor, coordinator, and the assistant director of the school stopped by my house to talk to my host parents about the bed/desk situation. It was sooooooooo awkward. They were all just talking away in Thai (about me, I could tell by the way the kept looking and pointing at me) and every once in a while would fill me in on what was going on. The jist of it is that I can talk to them whenever I need anything without having to go through my coordinator first, and that they can get me a bed but first I have to move all of my crap out of the way into the cupboard thing they've stuck in my room. Everything that can't fit in there will stay in my suitcases which will go on top of the cabinet. Then they will bring in a mattress to stick on the floor for me, or at least that's my understanding of the whole situation. I guess I will find out for sure when it gets here. My AFS coordinator also asked my host mom if her birthday had been next week and she said no, it's in December. So now I have an extra picture frame with a picture of me and my host mom in it, plus an extra birthday card. The rest of the evening I spent just having dinner with my host family plus Beam, who quizzed me on all the Thai words I know as well. For dessert we had some of the stuff I made in my cooking class which the teacher had sent home with Cherry. I played some card games with Beam, Kla, and Klang, and now I'm here. I've talked to Amanda a bit, and me and her are planning to go to Siam Square and possibly JJ Market tomorrow. Since I have to be back home by 5 for a special suprise party thing for Cherry, we have to leave super early in the morning in order to be able to spend a good amount of time there. Therefore, I will be waking up at 630 in order to leave at 730 in order to get to Amanda's house at 800 so we can get to Siam in good time. So much for sleeping in tomorrow I tell you, oh well, at least I get to go to Siam!!


Sooo this morning we were totally late for school. When we got there, everyone was already standing in line, and we had to kind of push and navigate our way through in order to reach the correct spot. There was also something special going on, but of course I couldn't understand any of it, so the assembly type thing was extra long today. When we finally were dismissed, my legs had fallen soooo much asleep (from sitting cross-legged) that I had problems walking. I'm sure everything who saw me thought I had sprained an ankle or something. First period was free, so you guessed it, I went to the computer room. Second period I had Thai Music, and I was really hoping Patch would show up (I hadn't seen her yet in the morning) to come with me to help translate for the teacher. But no Patch, so I went on my own. It wasn't too bad, we just reviewed the song she had taught me on Tuesday (which was super easy) and she taught me the beginning of a new song. One problem I am having though, is that due to my small finger/hand size, I have trouble completely closing off the holes on the flute, so that the notes don't come out at the right pitch. It's kind of annoying, because I know what I'm playing, I just can't physically make my hands go that way. Not yet, at least. Third period I was supposed to study Thai Language with my AFS coordinator, but she forgot, and only ended up teaching me for about 10 minutes at the end, during which Patch showed up. Apparently she'd only gotten to school second period (and the only reason she came in the first place, because she had no classes today, was to keep me company) but she didn't know what class I had. Fourth period, right before lunch, Patch and I went to Pylynn's classroom. Since next week is Pylynn's last week at our school, all of her classes are having goodbye parties for her this week, so Patch and I joined in on the celebration. We played musical chairs (and I was the second last person left!) and ate candy and chocolate. For lunch, the three of us went to Carrefour to the foodcourt type thing there. I had Itchy-ban type noodles! I was so excited, because it totally reminded me of all the good Itchy-ban times at Tamara's. Even though I've eaten so many noodles lately, I'll never be sick of step-on-soup. After lunch, we went to another one of Pylynn's classes who was having a party. These kids were alot more friendly, and they all wanted pictures with me and kept giving me chips and candy, which I accepted even though I was already sooooo full from lunch. I played musical chairs with them too. At first I didn't really want to, since I'd played earlier that day, but this one girl wouldn't take no for an answer, and she came and grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me over, then she quickly let go of my arm and was like "ohmygod I touched the white person!" Of course I couldn't understand her, but I knew that's what she was saying by the way she pointed at my arm and then at herself and such. It was a weird experience, to say the least. But then she was the one who kept bringing me food, so I know she meant well enough, I think she's just never touched white skin before :S
The last three periods I had free, so Patch and I ditched school early. Since there are security guards who wont let you out of the school unless you have permission (or are with a teacher) Pylynn gave us a ride to Carrefour, where we spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. Literally, we spent almost two hours just looking around Carrefour (think of spending like two hours looking around Extra Foods). But it actually wasn't too bad, because Patch hadn't been there before (they only built it while she was away), so we mostly looked at the international foods (the foods she misses from America) and she showed me lots of different Thai food and explained to me what it is. I was really surprised to find there alot of things such as tortilla shells, salsa, all kinds of chocolate, peanut butter, and most importantly, those crazy peanut butter filled pretzel things that Tamara always has and I can never find in North America. As if they don't have them in Canada but they have them in Thailand. It blew me away, so of course I bought them. Also, since I discovered how easily I will be able to obtain peanut butter while I'm here (and it's Skippy brand too!) I decided to break into my peanut butter from Canada when I got to my host families house. Cherry's birthday is on the 26th (same as Jessica's) so I thought it would also be good to buy her a card and a present. Patch suggested that I buy a picture frame, and have printed one of the pictures Patch took of me and Cherry on the day when I was all Thai-ed up. So I did. Kla came and picked me up from Carrefour at the same time he picked Cherry up from school. When we got to my host families house, Beam was researching different tour companies we can go with both rafting and snorkeling. I'm super excited for the rafting because apparently we will have to ride elephants in order to reach the rafting location! After she was done that, I googled Creston and Kootenay Lake and such in order to show her pictures of where I come from. That's one thing I wish I would have brought more of, pictures of home. Esepcially my house, because people keep asking me what my house is like. Also of Creston, because people here don't seem to understand the concept of a "small-town." Beam is very nice. She brought over a bunch of movies that she thought I might like to watch in English including Ratatouille, Sweeney Todd and the Golden Compass. So we put on Ratatouille (English with Thai subtitles) and Beam, Cherry and I began watching it. However, we were called for dinner. Kla is nice too, I had explained to him that I normally eat peanut butter on bread (because he doesn't know what toast is) when we were driving home from school. When we went for supper, he came in with a loaf of bread which he must have gone out and bought, so after supper, we all had dessert of bread with peanut butter and banana. Even though it wasn't toasted, it was by far the best thing I've eaten since I've been here! It was kind of weird to see them all struggle with spreading the peanut butter on the bread. I think the maybe felt just how I did when I had to use a fork and spoon rather than a fork and knife for the first time while I was here. It was just strange though, because I couldn't imagine anyone not knowing how to butter something. But I guess they just don't do it very often here. They all really enjoyed this new Canadian food though, and Kla told me that the jar of peanut butter would deffinately be empty soon. It was fun, I'm really glad I got a chance to share with them my favorite breakfast, even if it was on bread rather than toast, and for dessert rather than breakfast. It was some good bonding time though, I must admit.

NOTE: This post is a little late, because last night after I typed it all out, my internet connection went wonky, and I wasnt able to post it until today...

วันพุธที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Pylynn's House

So this morning I had 3 free periods to begin the day, which I spent in the computer room chatting on msn. Bad me, I know I should be studying Thai... Fourth period however, I was supposed to go study Thai Language. Since Patch didn't have a class, she came along with me. It turned out though that the teacher had some meeting outside of school which she had to attend, so really I didn't end up having a class. Patch and I left the school to go run some errands. We went to the post office so she could mail some AFS stuff, then to the bank to ask about me opening an account there. They said I would need to bring in my passport, and a letter from the school or AFS (I can't really remember which one). Since it was around lunchtime, we wandered around, looking for a good place to eat. We ran into one of Patch's friends (who was on a motorbike) and she suggested we eat a place just around the corner. Since we didn't know where it was, she gave us a lift on her motorbike. It was the first time I've riden a bike all side-saddle (because of wearing our school uniform skirts). It wasn't too scary because really she only took us down the street (we could have walked but it was super hot out) and we went really slow. After we had lunch, we went back to the school for my flower making class, where I finished my rose :) It is very beautiful I must admit. As soon as I get my camera situation sorted out I will post a picture of it. I hope to be able to take it back to Canada at the end of the year, but I'm not sure how I would transport it. Which reminds me also that P'Kla gave me a HUUUGE stuffed snake when I got here, and I just realized that if I take it home with me, it will fill an entire suitcase on it's own. I had a hard enough time getting all my stuff over here, I have no idea how I'm going to fit everything going back.... But oh well, I will worry about that when the time comes. Finishing the flower didn't take very long as all I had to do was glue on the leaves and stem so then we headed back to the computer room, where I was informed I had to meet with my AFS advisor and coordinator about the whole host family situation. In the end, they convinced me to wait at least another month before I make any serious decisions (despite them telling me I had to make a decision today :S) My coordinator promised me she will talk to my family about the bed situation. I'm sure that honestly my host parents just didn't know I had to have a seperate bed, because from what I gather, it is normal for Thai people to share beds like this. I told my advisor and counsellor that I feel dissapointed in AFS Thailand for not making this rule clear to host families before the exchange students actually arrive... anyways, enough of that. I didn't go to my last class because it was supposed to be badminton, and I still haven't got a sport uniform (or a badminton racket for that matter). So next week I will start I guess.

After school Pylynn drove me home to get changed and rest up before she would come back to pick me up at 6. Patch wasn't able to go to Pylynn's for dinner after all, so it was just me. My host dad wanted me to take one of my host brothers, although I wasn't sure exactly which one he meant, so me and Pylynn just didn't ask and went without any of them. Pylynn lives with her dad and their dog in a townhouse that is fairly nearby my house. Her dad is completely British, has lived in Thailand for 25 years, and still doesn't speak Thai. I don't know how I'm supposed to pick it up in only a few months :S Their dog was so cute though (a bassett hound named Floppy) and she made me miss Dookie (and the rest of my dogs) very much, just the way she would beg for food and kind of make a sad noise when she wanted something from me (the exact same way Dookie does). She also really liked me, and was super happy when I arrived at their house. Unlike most of the dogs I see around here, she is actually well fed, and is treated like how most North American's and Europeans treat their dogs, just like another member of the family. This is not how Thai people treat their animals at all.. I was also suprised to learn that the average life span of a cat or a dog in Thailand is 3 or 4 years, due to all the diseases and what not in this country. That seems so weird compared to in North America when an animals average life span is often 16 years.... Pylynn's dad was very nice. He cooked us a casserole with pork, potatoes, and carrots, with mashed potatoes (and gravy mmmmm) as well as brocolli and cauliflower. It was super good, and really nice for a change from rice.

After supper Pylynn's dad drove me home, and Pylynn and Floppy (the dog) came along as well. They got out because they wanted to meet my host family, and left Floppy in the car. Ohmygod I'm not even going to lie, I was freaking scared that my host families dogs were going to attack Floppy. This is mainly because a couple of times in the last week, two of my host families dogs have tried to fight to the death. Seriously, those dogs scare me. When we get home they come over to us all happy and shaking their tails, then one gets jealous of something and two of them start trying to kill eachother (it is usually the pregnant one versus another one) and my host mom yells for my host brothers and they use long poles with chains on the end to wrap around the dogs necks to pull them apart and then they chain them to opposite sides of the garage. It really disturbs me. But I know that dogs fight in every country, not just Thailand.

Oh and as I learned today from the AFS people (who made me feel kind of silly for thinking otherwise) cock fighting is legal in Thailand, just to correct what I wrote in a previous post. However, I still don't understand why if my host family is Buddhist, they raise roosters for Muslims to have them fight. Makes no sense to me. But whatever, I'm trying just to "go with the flow" for the next month.

Time for me to go to sleep though, because I haven't been able to sleep very well in the last couple of nights, and I'm feely tres sleepy. Or maaaaa sleepy (If you want the Thai version).

วันอังคารที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


I am having somewhat of an identity crisis. Well not really. But everyone here calls me something different. Some call me Kristen (Kree-ten), some call me Kris, some call me Cream, and some simply call me Go-Cha-Porn. It kind of creeps me out too, because our school uniforms have our names embroidered on one side, and whenever people are reading my name, esepcially male teachers, I feel like they are staring at my chest. I'm also really getting sick of the fact that to everyone, I am Go-Cha-Porn Isarasereepong. Whenever I meet someone knew they ask me what my Thai surname is, and I try to tell them, but I really still can't pronounce it. I just don't understand why I can't just be Kristen Small, exchange student from Canada. Instead I have to be Go-Cha-Porn Isarasereepong, "daughter" of a politician, and member of a very well respected family. It just kind of annoys me because it feels like people don't want to know the real me, just my Thai counterpart. Ugh.

Today at school I went to all of my classes once again. I had two free periods first thing in the morning, so I spent them in the English room, reading the newspaper, and trying to contact the AFS lady I talked to last week, but that didn't work out. I then had two periods of "Flower Making" before lunch. The teacher began teaching me how to make a rose by glueing these fabric-papery type pre made petals to a styrofoam thing. It's hard to explain, but it was really beautiful. Tomorrow I will finish by adding leaves and a stem :) I didn't feel like I was doing a very good job, because every petal I would add, she would go back and fix it. But in the end she told me I did very good and that the flower was very beautiful. I had lunch with Cherry and her friends (no bubble-tea this time) and after lunch spent my next free period in the computer room checking my emails and such. My AFS coordinator invited me to go this Saturday with her and some students from the school to a local TV station for something, I'm not really sure what. I told her though that I already have plans with Amanda and Juan, but if those plans don't work out, I will go with her. Since Patch still doesn't have any real classes to go to, she went with me to my last two classes so she could keep my company and also help translat between me and the teacher. We went to my first Thai Music class, and my teacher told me she would teach me the Thai Flute, which is pretty much like a recorder. She was super impressed with how quickly I could play different notes, but really I just remembered them from when I played Flute in band :P she doesn't know that though. She gave me my own Thai Flute for me to practice, which was very nice of her. For Thai Cooking, I didn't actually cook anything. I chopped up a few onions, but then my teacher got impatient and just finished herself. I pretty much just watched her cook this Thai Salad for me, that included some vegetable I've never heard of before, onions, chillis, eggs, shrimp, ground pork, peanuts, crunchy squid, and a dressing made from limes, fish sauce, and sugar. It was good, but the portion she made me was huge, so I tried to feed Patch some of it, but she couldn't eat it because she is Muslim, and they apparently don't eat pork. Since I had nothing to do after school, and Patch had to go to a nearby market to buy some things, I went with her. We mostly just wandered around for a little while, talking about things, and eating melted Toblerones. I asked her where I could possibly get a Thai Dress to buy and take home with me, and she said she bought one in Bangkok to take with her to America, so she will take me to the store one weekend. She also said that when her cousin is here, they are planning to go to the HUUUGE market in Bangkok, and she will take me. Apparently at this market though, they like to cheat money out of the tourists by telling them a higher price than normal, so she said if I'm with her, she will help me barter.

Tomorrow after school I am going with Patch to have supper at Pylynn's house. It will be fun I guess, esepcially being able to talk to someone in completely good English (her dad). And maybe also it will be nice to eat English Food! mmmm hopefully he makes Fish and Chips and Mushy Peas!

Something I keep meaning to comment on but then I forget, is the insane driving here. Not to mention the fact that nobody wears seatbelts, and carseats are unheard of. Yet despite all the madness (I swear even though they are supposed to drive on the left side of the road, it feels like they all are trying to drive on the right) I have only seen one car accident since I've been here. I find it amazing. Although the driving here seems insane, they actually all pay attention to the road really good..

Also, these are the first three questions everyone asks me when I tell them I am Canadian:
1) Do you speak French?
2) Do you know Natalie, the girl who won Miss Universe from Canada a couple of years ago?
3) What state are you from?

I find it a little amusing. However I am getting sick of Thai people asking me, "are you boring?" instead of, "are you bored?" or, "are you funny?" instead of, "are you having fun?"

You Know You're in Thailand When

-there are more motorcycles on the road than cars, and it is not uncommon to see three or four people sitting together on one motorcycle
-buses are the fastest moving things on the road, and pass all of the cars/trucks/motorcycles
-you get used to the fact that the whole country is either wearing yellow, pink, or a school uniform
-everything is drank through a straw
-guys carry purses, and sometimes wear short shorts, or have long finger nails (and these aren't even the lady-boys)
-you aren't surprised to see lady-boys walking around
-everyone has an english nickname, and these nicknames are quite often nouns (Apple, Boat, etc)
-the only music you ever hear on the radio is boy bands or other forms of pop
-there are street dogs and cats everywhere, and nobody slows down or even tries not to hit them while they are on the road
-there is no such thing as toilet paper in bathrooms
-the michelin man doesn't wave, he wais
-oranges are green
-a meal is not complete without rice (whether it be sticky or not)
-breakfast consists of rice with dinner leftovers
-all meals are eaten with a spoon and fork (never a fork and knife)
-it is either blisteringly hot outside, or raining
-everyone carries around a facecloth in their pocket to wipe the sweat from their face
-nobody shaves their legs
-nobody wears seatbelts
-little kids just sit on other people's laps in cars (car-seats are unheard of)
-instead of being obsessed with lip gloss, everyone sticks these little smelly things up there nose every few minutes
-you can be in the middle of nowhere, but there will still be a 7-11 nearby
-there is whitening lotion, not tanning lotion
-everyone wears long sleeved shirts and pants and walks around with umbrellas, so they wont get a sun tan
-despite the fact that nobody has a stove, clothes dryer, or a home phone, they all have the most advanced cell phones you've ever seen
-all the Thai people answer their cell phones by saying "hello-ka/krap"

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


So I'm not even going to lie, I'm kind of pissed. So I thought I would come on here and rant. When I got home from school today, there was a new desk in our bedroom (note that our room already contains one desk with all of Cherry's things). Since the new desk was empty, I assumed it was for me, so tonight I started unpacking all of my books and things and putting them on the desk. Cherry then comes in and tells me that the new desk is for her computer. So I asked her what is the old desk for then? And she just said "I don't know." So I had to move all of my crap off of the desk so she can have two desks and I get nothing. Somehow this whole situation seems very unfair, I have to share a bed, and now my host sister gets two desks in one room and I get none.. Correction, I get a dinky little bed-side table. My AFS coordinator is deffinately hearing about this tomorrow.... ok I'm done ranting now.

School Days

Today I actually went to all of my classes! Although that still isn't very much. I thought I would also just talk about school in general, as there are many things different from Canadian schools. We leave for school at about 730 in the morning. When we get there, we have to walk past the teachers who wait at the front gate of the school (there are different teachers each morning) and wai to them. For those who don't know, wai-ing is the Thai way of saying "hello" and shaking hands. You put your hands together as if you were praying, bow your head (different heights depending on who you are wai-ing to) and say "sa-was-dee." After that I generally follow Cherry around while she looks for her friends, and after we find them we have to go "stand in line." Think of like school assemblies in elementary school, except we're outside (either on the basketball court, or on the soccer field, depending on the weather). It is usually already blisteringly hot out by that time, and all the Thai people are worried about tanning, so they all hold papers up to the light to shield their faces. Once we are all in line, we sit down until the school band starts playing the Thai national anthem, at which point we all stand up and everyone (except me) sings along. After that someone says a Buddhist prayer, and all the Buddhist children pray along. We then sit down again, and some teachers make a few announcements, and then we are dismissed. This morning during the assembly type thing, a girl in my class named May gave me a postcard with a picture of somewhere in Bangkok on it. On the backside she wrote "To Kristen, From May, For Friendship". I thought it was really sweet. Probably the nicest thing someone's given me since I've been here :)
First class this morning was Thai Art, which Cherry and the rest of her friends also have. Even though we go to school at 730, classes don't actually start until 830, so all the students just sit around until the bell rings. And even when the bell does ring, they don't all just hurry to class like we do in Canada. They will sit around for about 5 or 10 minutes before they actually mosey on to class. It's weird, I thought they would all be super hardcore into studying here. And Cherry certainly is with all of her extra classes. But at school, all I ever see is kids just sitting around and talking. Even in class they just pass notes. Half of the time the teacher isn't even there. Oh and I've noticed quite a few times that in the morning during assembly, they all copy the homework thats due that day off of one of their friends. Anyway.. In Thai Art we were to go outside and find a leaf from a tree to sketch. I really enjoyed it, because in Canada I wasn't able to fit Art into my schedule for the last couple of years. I just had fun drawing my leaves, because I know it didn't really matter how well it turned out, but it actually turned out quite good.
After Art I had to go start studying Thai language with my AFS coordinator. We started out by going over basic everyday sentences such as "how are you?" She then taught me some basic nouns and such. I've pretty much forgotten it all already. I think she said soon she will teach me the Thai alphabet :S I will deffinately need good luck with that. She also told me that AFS contacted her about the bed situation, and she said she will do her best to see if it can be solved... which is good news.
The rest of the morning I spent in the computer room checking my emails and chatting on MSN. I know I should be spending it studying Thai, but honestly, I feel exhausted after just trying to learn it for an hour... Cherry came and got me to go for lunch in the cafeteria with her and her friends. She still thinks I'm hopeless at finding my way around. Her friends are really nice though. We had Thai Desserts after our main course (noodles with shrimp). The Desserts were pretty much a mix between a slurpee and a bubble tea. Arroy Ka (delicious). You choose two different bubble thingys that the put in the bottom of a bowl, then they cover them with crushed ice, and top it with whatever flavoring you want (kind of like a snowcone). They were very good, and I thought Bessy might like to know that I've finally had some sort of bubble tea :)
Oh and by the way, lunch works like this: Every student in the school gets a "lunch card" type thing, kind of like a student card. Each day when you go for lunch, you give your card and 15 baht to the lunch lady whose food you are buying. (15 baht is like $00.50!! for a full sized meal) Since the meals are served on real plates with real cutlery, you must return your plate, spoon, and fork when you are done eating, and you get a new lunch card. It's a fairly good system I'd say. I esepcially like how cheap the meals are. You can also buy a water bottle for 10 baht, and when you return the empty bottle, you get 5 baht back.
After lunch I spent alot of time just sitting around in the English room until I had to go to my Thai Dance class. I tried teaching myself some Thai, but my brain kind of gave up on that, so I just read my Exchange Student Survival Kit book and visited with Pylynn. She invited me to go to her house for supper some night this week. Her dad is British, so she said he would cook some British food for us. Although I must admit, Thai food is starting to grow on me.... Well it's good as long as I don't really think about what I'm eating. I really like the desserts though. So for my favorites are sticky rice filled with coconut wrapped up in a banana leaf. And sticky rice cooked into a bamboo shoot with coconut milk. Mmmm sticky rice.
In my Thai dance class my teacher just taught me more of the routine which we began last week. It's freaking hard, let's just put it that way, but my teacher was impressed with how quickly I learn, and she said that if I practice real hard, in February I will be able to perform Thai dance in front of the school. I told her I would love that. I also told her that next week I will bring my laptop to school to show her videos of me dancing in Canada (Animal I've Become).
After Dance, Pylynn offered to drive me home so we could hang out for a bit and she could ask my parents about me going over for dinner sometime this week. I showed her my yearbook, and some videos and pictures from Canada that are on my computer. I showed her the video of Animal I've Become and she said "you're not fat at all there!" I was like "excuse me? I'm fat now?" haha I think maybe she just didn't realize it was an insulting thing to say in English. But I must say, if I am getting fat now, it is only because these Thai people are constantly feeding me. Although I think I'm maybe actually losing weight, because my skirt feels looser every time I put it on. Or I could just be imagining it. But I will eat all the food I want while I am here, because who can come to Thailand and not eat all the amazing food, and then worry about my weight when I go back to Canada. Pylynn also told me that most Thai houses aren't like mine, and she also found it weird that I haven't seen all of their house. But she told me that this is the old Thai way of life. She also told me that Cock Fighting is in fact illegal in Thailand, but around this area nobody really cares. It still seems a little strange to me though that AFS would put me somewhere that illegal activities are happening on a weekly basis.
After Pylynn left, I went with P'Kla, P'Keng, P'Klang, and P'Beam (Thai's say P' in front of those who are like older siblings are friends names) to a "nemo farm". It was were they raise clown fish. P'Kla was interested in breeding his clown fish, so he went there to find out about the process, but he decided it was too complicated. Beam and I visited though, and I found out we have some things in common, such as she also had a motocycle accident where she crashed into another bike and broke her leg. Now I am at my host families home, waiting for Cherry to get home so we can have dinner. My host families house is starting to feel more like a house though, because they have finally got some furniture in the room under my bedroom, and a big flatscreen TV is coming for in there in a couple of weeks. Already the whole family is starting to gather in there to spend time together, which deffinately makes it easier for me to get to know them better.
A couple other things about school that are very different from Canada. They still cane children here for being bad. And when they are done, the student must wai and thank the teacher for teaching them this lesson. Also, girls in younger grades must cut their hair short. They all have the same bob cut. It makes it about 10 times harder for me to remember who anyone is, when they all dress the same and have the same hair and have similar names. Oh, and they also all just go by their nicknames. They have crazy ass Thai names that make no sense to me, and then they have English nicknames which they go by. For example, I've met people called Oat and Cartoon. My Thai nickname (which Natalie gave me) is Cream, because of my creamy white skin. They also all drink EVERYTHING with a straw. It kind of drives me crazy to see all these people drinking out of water bottles with straws. I know I'm not really one to talk because I drink tea out of a straw, but drinking water out of a water bottle with a straw... and then they all look at me funny when I just chug back the water... so strange.

Oh and I forgot to mention, when I was in Chaiyaphum, Natalie's family took me to a really old temple. More like they went to the old temple to pray and I just went along. There were all these crazy paintings of different things that will happen if you are a good Buddhist or a bad Buddhist. Like for example, if you cut down a tree, when you die you will be legless. Some of the paintings looked like this:
Totally creepy, right?

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Chaiyaphum Pictures

Me, Parah, and Jasmine in front of the big candle float.

Candles at the Buddhist Temple

The Jungle

Lunch... mmm Papaya salad.

In the jungle by the spring thing.

Jasmine, Patch, Suzy, Me, Jessy, Natalie, and Pylynn.

Me on the float.

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


So, as many of you may have guessed, I went with Natalie to the province of Chaiyaphum for the long weekend. However, things all began on Wednesday...

I had to get up super early so I could have my makeup and hair all done fancy for the parade thing. It kind of sucked, because I was really tired, and whenever I would close my eyes so the lady could do my eye makeup, I would begin to fall asleep. I really wanted to put a picture of myself all Thai-ed up, but as explained before... Anyways, there was one other girl (I'm honestly not sure who she was) who was on the float with me. She was actually Thai, so the float looked half normal. So we pretty much just sat there on the float that was all decorated with a big candle and lots of flowers, and smiled. Whenever I would stop smiling, everyone around would tell me to "smi!" They would also get after me for not sitting up straight and things like that. It was pretty annoying, because it's not like I asked to be on the float or that they even asked me if I wanted to. They just told me I was doing it... I tried to smile and look happy, but I was annoyed and hot and got a sunburn :( I was kind of amused though, because every time we would go over a little hill or bump, they would all freak out and try to make sure I didn't fall over. It was nothing at all compared to being on the icy Grad float though.. We floated from the school to Carrefour (a Walmart type department store) and sat in the parking lot for about half an hour, before we floated back by the school then all around the neighborhood, ending up at the Buddhist temple right across from the school. When we arrived there, we all took a candle and lit it, then held it between our hands, and walked around the temple three times while thinking of what we want best in life... Then we put the candles in this big candle holder thing.
Patch met up with me at the temple (she's Muslim, so she didn't actually take part in any of the ceremony) and she was pretty much my personal photographer, because all the way from the temple back to the school, people kept on stopping me and wanting to take pictures with me. It was kind of fun at first, but then a little annoying because it took about 10 times longer just to get back to the school. Even when we finally arrived at the Thai dance room, where I was supposed to get changed, someone phoned over and said I had to go to the English department because the teachers there wanted pictures.
When I finally got out of my Thai dress, Pylynn, Patch and I went out for lunch at Carrefour. I had papaya salad for lunch for the second time in a row.
In the afternoon, Natalie and Suzy took me to another school for my AFS meeting. It went alright, but tomorrow I have to go talk to my AFS advisor and tell her either I need my own bed, or I need a new family. I have noticed however, that I think it is almost Thai culture for people to share a bed in this manner, because even when I was staying with Natalie, her and I shared a bed just the same as Cherry and I do, with a pillow dividing the center... However, it is against AFS rules for an exchange student to share a bed sooo...
After the meeting, Pylynn drove me home from the school, where I quickly had to pack my things for going to Chaiyaphum with Natalie. We started our journey by van, then switched buses a few times before we could get to the bus station to leave Bangkok. Since it was a long weekend, everyone was trying to leave Bangkok, and the traffic was craaaazy. It took us over 3 hours just to get to the bus station. Pretty much the second I got on the bus, I fell asleep.

I woke up quite early in the morning, in order to transfer from the bus to a bed at Natalie's house. At the last minute, Jasmine decided she was going to come to Natalie's hometown for a day before she went to go to hers... so she came too. Natalie lives with her mom and her little cousin Parah (like Sarah but with a P) who is 2. She was apparently born with water on her brain, so even though she is 2 she can't walk yet. And she is cross-eyed. But she is pretty much the cutest and sweetest little kid I've ever met. Even by Friday she already liked me so much she cried when I went to go get ready for bed... Anyways, in the morning on Thursday we went to go watch the parade that was happening in Natalie's hometown. It was pretty much the same at the one I took part in the day before. People in Thai outfits riding on floats with big candles. Except there were LadyBoys in this parade too. It was my first time seeing any in Thailand! I know it's a silly thing to be excited about, but I found it kind of exciting... We missed most of the parade though, and only got to watch the last little bit of it. The rest of the afternoon we spend just running errands around town. We went out for lunch and had papaya salad again. Third time in a row.
Around supper time we went to a neighboring village where Natalie's Gramma and a million other relatives of her's live. While we were there she took me to see a couple of ladies making Thai cotton. They were making blanket type things with elephant patterns. They told us that they can make about 1 to 2 meters a day, and that a finished 2 meter piece sells for 150 baht. Thats 5 dollars. 5 dollars a day. We had supper in the shack that Natalie's Gramma lives in. And when I say a shack, I mean it. She lives in a barn. The floor is just dirt. But I can't complain, because her family was all very nice, and they made me feel even more at home in the couple days that I was with them, than my host family has in the two weeks that I've been here with them. After supper, we went to the Buddhist temple nearby. We sat in the temple while a monk chanted stuff in a different language. I felt so out of a place, I must admit. All the people sitting in front of me kept on turning around and staring at me. Or they were staring at Parah, which wouldn't have been very nice either... After all the chanting and what not, we each did the candle lighting thing again, and walked around the temple three times.

Friday we spent doing alot more touristy type things. In the morning, we went with Natalie's aunt and cousins to a nearby spring thingy. I don't know how else to describe it other than it is just a place where water comes up from the ground and then flows out into a creek. It was in the jungle though, and was so beautiful. There were tons of Thai people there, all swimming fully clothed. We had lunch there (papaya salad number four), and Jasmine and I wandered around (she'd never been there before either) and took pictures. We then took a drive out to a damn (I forget what it's called) that's in the middle of the jungle with mountains. Natalie said if we were to stay longer, we could have spent a day climbing one of the mountains. Deffinately gives me a reason to go back I guess! I kept hoping the whole time we would run into an elephant, because there were signs everywhere saying to look out for them... but sadly, no elephants. :(
In the afternoon, we took Jasmine back to the bus station for her to go to her hometown. In the evening, we went back to Natalie's Gramma's for dinner. Natalie's mom was so sweet though, I think she knew I was kind of getting sick of Thai food and papaya salad, so she went and bought me a stake with coleslow before we went to the Gramma's. It was very nice of her. I met more of Natalie's family, and we spent the evening looking at the pictures on my camera that I had taken throughout the day.

Saturday morning Natalie and I went to the bus stop and waited. We waited for a loong time because the bus was late. However, when we finally did get on the bus, the ride went by very quickly, and next thing I knew we were in Bangkok. Cherry phoned us while we were on the way and said my host family was going to the beach that night and they would wait until I got back to Bangkok so I could go with. Somewhere along the line though things got misunderstood, because I was under the impression we were going to the beach for the night. So when I got back to my host families house, I re-packed all my things to get ready for another night away. When I went downstairs to leave though, they all told me that we were just going out for supper at the beach. It seemed a little silly to me to drive for about and hour and half just for supper, but I wasn't going to complain, I would get to see the ocean :) I think there were 11 of us who went out for supper. My host dad ordered himself a bottle of wine, and the waitress brought it with a bottle opener thing (the kind you screw down into the cork then pull out). She didn't open it though, and nobody in my host family could figure out how to do it, so finally I just did it myself. Now they all think I'm an alcoholic because I know how to open a bottle of wine. Dinner for 11 people came to only 50 dollars. This is one thing I love about Thailand, the cheapness. Korn rented the movie 10000 BC for us to watch on the way to the beach, as my host families truck has a DVD player thingy in it. Even though it is one of the cheesiest movies I've watched, I really enjoyed it because of all the English :)

Today I had big plans of going to hang out with Amanda and Juan, seeing as I didn't want to see any cockfighting. However, these plans fell through, and I instead spent the day with my host brothers. It wasn't so bad. In the morning I tought P'Kla, P'Klang, and Korn how to play Cheat and Spoons. They taught me how to play some game that was kind of like Old Maid. It was actually really fun. Even though at first I thought it wouldn't even be worth it because explaining Cheat to people who don't really speak English was a hurdle in itself. Although, I must admit I felt quite pleased at the end of it all when we were all having fun playing a game which I had taught them. In the afternoon, P'Kla, P'Klang, P'Beam, and I went to The Mall (yes there is a mall here which is just called The Mall) because Klang needed to buy a laptop. It was alright because I got to visit with Beam, and she invited me to go both white water rafting with her sometime in the next couple of months, and to go to the south of Thailand with her in March where we will go snorkeling. If I am still here in March, I will deffinately go.


This is if I go home on December 10th, which is what I'm thinking I might do right now..

วันอังคารที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Today was pretty much another day of doing nothing at school. In the morning I talked to my AFS coordinator and advisor about some difficulties I've been having with my host family, for example having a share a bed with Cherry. According to my Exchange Student Survival Guide book, it is against AFS rules to make an exchange student share a bed with a host sibling, even if they are they same age and sex. But let's not get into all that now...

So I was feeling pretty crappy and lonely at school (Patch actually had to go to classes) during the morning. Luckily for me though, there is a group of student teachers at the school (all females) who are learning to be English teachers, so they all speak pretty good English. There names are Natalie, Suzy, Jessy, Jasmine, and Sarah. The first day I went to school I met them, and they asked me if I've ever had the famous Thai food-- papaya salad. I told them I hadn't. Then this morning at school they told me they had gotten together a special lunch for me which included papaya salad and invited me to go eat with them. It was really nice to them, totally cheered me up. I find that I get along better with them than the kids at school. While we were having lunch, Natalie asked me if I would like to go with her to stay with her family in the NorthEast of Thailand for the long weekend coming up. I told her I would love to! Any chance to see more of Thailand is deffinately worth it. My advisor talked to the AFS people, and it's all a go except for one thing, my host dad doesn't want me to go. So apparently tonight I have to call my real dad, and get him to tell my host dad that it's okay if I go. And then if my real dad gives his approval, my host dad might as well. (fingers crossed hoping they all say yes!!)

In the afternoon I was supposed to have Thai music and Thai cooking classes. When I was supposed to have music, well I just didn't go basically. I have no excuse. So I went to the English room and just read a book. When I was supposed to have Thai cooking, one of the English teachers phoned down to the Cooking room but nobody was in there, so I didn't end up going to that class either...

After school the student teacher girls invited me to go shopping with them at CarreFour, a sort of department store that isn't too far from the school. It was fun, we went to the makeup section and Natalie did my make up for me.. then we just sat around and talked while they ate supper. I didn't want to eat because I thought it would be nicer to wait and have supper with my host family when I got home, to try and make an effort to spend more time with them. But apparently my host family assumed I would eat with them.. so now I may just be eating Spitz and Peanut Butter for supper haha.

Tomorrow I have to wake up super early (4 am) to get all ready for the parade thingy. I have to get my host mom to do my hair and makeup, and then go to the school at 7 to get all dressed. Honestly, I still don't really understand what is happening. All I've gathered is that I sit on a float next to a giant candle :S
In the afternoon tomorrow (I just found this out from Natalie when I asked if I have to go to classes tomorrow) I have to go to another school for an AFS meeting thing. No clue what it's about. But if it means I get to see my AFS friends again, it will be good.

If all goes well with getting approval to spend the weekend with Natalie, we will be leaving on a bus tomorrow night at 1030, and it will take about 5 hours to get there, so I'll probably just sleep since I'll be getting up sooo early. Anyways, the point of this is, if I do end up going, I probably wont be posting anything in here for the next few days (til Sunday, when I get back). So don't worry, I won't have died, I'll just be seeing new interesting things in Thailand!

My god is it ever storming out here now. That reminds me, so many people lately have been asking me what my religion is. When I tell them I don't have one they frown at me. It's kind of annoying.

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Grrrr I'm hating this internet connection right now. I just typed out my entire schedule and went to post it.. and then it somehow got lost.

so here it goes again:

830-920 Thai Arts
920-1010 Thai Language
1010-1100 Self Study
1100-1150 Free
1150-1240 Lunch
1240-1330 Free
1330-1420 English-Club Service Project
1420-1510 Thai Dance
1510-1600 Homeroom

830-920 Self Study
920-1010 Homeroom
1010-1100 Flower Making
1100-1150 Flower Making
1150-1240 Lunch
1240-1330 Free
1330-1420 Thai Music
1420-1510 Thai Cooking
1510-1600 Thai Cooking

830-920 Self Study
920-1010 Free
1010-1100 Homeroom
1100-1150 Thai Language
1150-1240 Lunch
1240-1330 Free
1330-1420 Flower Making
1420-1510 Flower Making
1510-1600 Badminton

830-920 Self Study
920-1010 Thai Music
1010-1100 Thai Language
1100-1150 Free
1150-1240 Lunch
1240-1330 Free
1330-1420 Self Study
1420-1510 Self Study
1510-1600 Homeroom

830-920 Self Study
920-1010 Thai Arts
1010-1100 Thai Cooking
1100-1150 Thai Cooking
1150-1240 Lunch
1240-1330 Free
1330-1420 Self Study
1420-1510 Thai Language
1510-1600 Homeroom

NOTE: "Self Study" pretty much means free time to go to the computer room. So if you're ever bored and want to chat, just take into account the time difference (14 hours) and if it is when I have "Self Study" or "Free" I'll most likely be on MSN.

Today I had my first Thai Dance class. Thai dance is hard, because it goes against everything I've ever been taught as a dancer. For example, your feet have to be constantly flexed instead of pointed, and you have to bent at a weird angle constantly, instead of standing up very straight. My teacher is nice though. She asked me to pick a color to wear on Wednesday for the festival. I picked a pretty orangish color that reminded me of the point shoes Alyson wanted to get... Then she looked at me like I was crazy for not choosing pink or something... The teacher I was helping during the English Club thing, which basically consisted of me playing scrabble with younger students, asked one of the young boys to show me to the dance room. While we were walking through the halls, of of his classmates were cheering at him and "oooo"ing and "aahhhh"ing.. I think he was quite embarassed.

Tomorrow I will being to learn to cook Thai... wish me luck Alyson!

And for your viewing enjoyment, I've included some photos of the view from my bedroom window. (all those little mushroom looking things that are under the tin-roofed thing are the cages they keep the cocks in. in the day time, they bring them out from under there and set them all up on that little patch of grass...)