วันจันทร์ที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 MONTHS!!!!!!! (and also my trip to Trat)

The whole "family" trip to Trat ended up being nothing like I expected it would be at all... The whole thing started early Saturday morning. Like seriously early. We left the house at 3 a.m. and drove for hours until we reached the beach in Trat around 7 a.m., when no sane people were actually awake and swimming around anyways. And upon leaving for this trip I was under the impression that it was just my host family (plus Marissa) going as a kind of last family trip with me before I leave.. and although our whole house hold did go (Host Mom, Host Dad, Sunyair, Shareep, Cousin Malek, Aunt Da, Aunt Na, and my scary Host Gramma) another whole family went along for some reason too (I've never met them before, but apparently they're family friends). And this other family contained a Mom, a Dad, and 4 little children all under the age of 7. Needless to say we were quite the large group of people. SO. We got to the beach, sat around and ate rice with chicken wings and beef... then all the Thai people decided to go swimming (even my host Gramma, and to be honest I was like 99% sure that she would probably have a heart attack and drown... I mean, she never ever even leaves the house, so fo her to go for a 4 hour car ride and then go swimming would probably just be too much excertion for her) just in the clothes they were already wearing, but Marissa and I decided we'd rather wait until later and swim in our swimming attire (i.e. bathing suits). In the afternoon we headed to our accomodations for the night, which was a place that pretty much looked like an orphanage.. it was just 1 big room with a million beds in it, but because our group consisted of about a million and one people, some people ended up sleeping on the floor. That's when it started to rain, and Marissa's cold really started to kick in. So we had naps until the storming outside stopped, and then headed down to the beach, where Marissa and I attempted to go swimming, but then decided against it when we discovered that the water was infested with jelly fish. So we just took naps on the beach instead. When we went back to our room thingy, Marissa and I had to wait around for about an hour to even get into the shower, because everyone was bathing their children and washing all their clothes in the shower (why they couldn't have done it in the sink is beyond me). Then we ate more rice with chicken wings and beef for dinner. Luckily Marissa and I were able to sleep in a bit on Sunday morning while all the little munchkins went down to the beach for more swimming. We were told that at 12 we would go to Cambodia for a little side trip and then head back home to BKK. Faced with yet another meal of rice with chicken wings and beef (come on, by that time that meat must have been getting pretty rotten, considering the fact that it had been cooked 2 days before and hadn't been refridgerated or anything) Marissa and I stole a can of tuna from the big stash of food the adults had brought, along with some mayo (well, the thing that all Thai's use as salad dressing (and they never use any other kind of dressing) which is really just mayo) and bread, and we made ourselves tuna sandwiches in secret so that none of the little children would come and eat any of it. We were all ready to go by noon, but because this is Thai people we are dealing with, and they never seem to be in a hury, we didn't end up actually leaving until 1. We drove to the Thai-Cambodia border, but then it started to rain quite hard, and my host dad did a brilliant manouver while driving the other dad's car in which he made a left hand turn (the same as a right hand turn in Canada) without shoulder checking and ran into a cart which some teenage boy was pushing. So then we didn't go to Cambodia because of the rain and because they had to sort out the whole big scratch in the side of he car situation. We just stayed huddled in all the little shops near the border to stay out of the rain. When we finally piled back into the car, I was under the impression we were heading back home. But then we stopped at some random Mosque/someone's house in the middle of nowhere which was surrounded by an orchard. We went ot examine the fruit in the orchard but discovered none of it was ripe enough to pick, so we just sat around this random person's house, and I discovered I had diarrhea, which I blamed on all the chicken and beef. And then all the Thai people had a good ol time discussing my bowel movements and trying to determine whether I did actually have diarrhea or not. Around that time was when the adults decided we should stay another night, despite the fact that we had nowhere to stay. Then the majority of us went to some wetlands place to look at fireflies, while my host mom, gramma, and Shareep went to sleep. The firefly place was actually kind of fun. We had to ride around on bikes in the dark, since driving around in a car with headlights would disturb the fireflys and would make them not glow or something. The only downside was that the bike seats were hard as, and afterwards my bum hurt so bad. Then we headed back to our accomodations for the night, which ended up just being a guest house type thing which I think belonged to someone from the mosque. The house was virtually empty though, and we all just ended up having to sleep on the hard tile floor. It was rather uncomfortable, but I wasn't going to complain. However, I found it quite aweful that we had a very pregnant woman, a very old woman, and a bunch of little children all sleeping on the floor like this. Honestly, I would NEVER make an old lady, for example, sleep on the floor.. that's just cruel.

We woke up bright and early on Monday morning, which I assumed meant we would be heading home bright and early. I took a shower, which sucked because all my clothes had gotten wet from being up on top of the car all the day before while it was raining. So I had no clean towel to dry myself off with, and no dry clothes to put on afterwards. Just when I thought we were heading home, we went back to that mosque place from the night before, where we ate breakfast and then went to the orchard to pick fruit, realized that it hadn't somehow mysteriously become ripe over night.. then went back to the house to sit around for hours whilst the grown ups sat around eating and talking. FINALLY we headed home. And just our luck, Marissa and I ended up in the car which was full of all the little children screaming on the way home. The End.

And today marks the anniversary of me being in Thailand for 10 months, which believe it or not is actually incredibly exciting.!
