วันเสาร์ที่ 16 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

322 Days Down... 5 To Go

Last night was my farewell type party thing with my host family... although I must admit it was just about the strangest farewell party I've been to. At first I thought it was just my host family taking me out for dinner, but when we got to the restaurant I saw that my Coordinator and Advisor were there (along with the vice principal lady from my school), which to be honest I wasn't too thrilled about.. mainly due to the fact that I haven't talked to either of them since March (I was also a little dissapointed in the fact that they both forgot my birthday...) But, it ended up actually being a good thing that they were there because they were the only ones who really talked to me.... A bunch of "family friends" I guess you'd call them showed up, including that whole family we went to Trat with, so my little host sister was off playing with all of the other children, whilst all the adults conversed in rapid Thai. And I was just that lone person who was too old to play with the little kids, and too young to fit in with the adults... so I mostly just sat there and talked to my Coordinator once is a while. Apparently I have to go into school on Monday to get my AFS Certificate or something, which kind of blows because I was supposed to be going to this amusement park in Bangkok with P'Beam on Monday... so I'm kind of pissed that my Coordinator didn't tell me about this sooner, or else I could have made plans to go with P'Beam sometime earlier this month........... So anyways, I was just sitting there feeling a little bored with no one to talk to, also a little bummed out about the fact that it was my farewell party and soon I would have to say goodbye to everyone for who knows how long. Then my 2 host aunts showed up carrying a cake, and I swear the thought that went through my head was, "awwe how sweet of them to get me a cake." Then I realized that it was actually my Advisor's birthday, and the cake was for her.... then we went home....

And today I stayed at home again. I was planning on going swimming with my host sister early this morning... since she asks me to go with her every weekend but I'm either already busy or am too lazy to wake up at 5 to go swimming.. but I figured since this was my last weekend here I should go... but then for some reason we just didn't go... I had my alarm all set for early in the morning... but when it went off nobody else was awake in the house.. so I sat around and waited for them to get up until 7.. and they didn't. So I just went back to sleep. Spent the rest of the day just kind of bumming around my room.. thinking about the fact that I should be packing... kept on looking at my suitcases which were laying all open on my floor, but came to the conclusion that there really wasn't much more packing I can do since I still have to wear most of my clothes.... In the afternoon I made a slideshow type thing on my computer with a bunch of pictures from my year in Thailand.. since it's too long or whatever to upload it on here, I uploaded it on youtube.. you can find it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqlXxOJvwQU and while I was working on that, my crazy old host gramma just kind of came into my room, sat down on the floor in the midst of all my packing.. started looking through all my crap (she was rifling through my underwear drawer.. looking through all my boxes, etc).. I didn't know what to say to her, mainly because she is old and kind of crazy to begin with.. but also I didn't know how to ask her what the hell she was doing (in a nice, polite way of course) in Thai... so I just kind of sat there and looked at her through the corner of my eye. Eventually she zipped up all my suitcases and pushed them to the side of my room and said something about now I would be able to walk through my room... which I guess makes sense.. but I was in the middle of packing and I'll just have to unzip my suitcases and bring them back out into the middle of my room again...

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the video...
