วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

6 MONTHS!!!!

As of today, I have been in Thailand for 6 months (that's half a year!!), and I will be here for approximately 4 1/2 more months (I say approximately because I haven't been informed by AFS what my return date will be.. although I believe it is somewhere around May 21-25ish). How do I feel being at this point? To be honest, right now I'm feeling like there are so many things I want to see/do in Thailand... and I don't have nearly enough time to fit it all in (JANUARY- Class Trip to Chiang Mai. FEBRUARY- AFS trip to Chiang Mai, and the end of school. MARCH- my family comes to visit for 2 weeks. APRIL- 2 weeks of independent travel with other AFSers, Meditation Course, my 19th Birthday. MAY- Goodbye Parties, Final AFS camp... then go home eek, see what I mean?). I also feel like my Thai could be alot better. I'm also feeling really excited about the fact that my family will come visit me in only 2 1/2 months (I remember waaaaaaaaaaaay back at the beginning when they would come in 8 months... now it's only 2 1/2, like honestly, how the hell did that happen?) Oh, and I guess now is really the time to start shopping for specific gifts for people back home (I already have a few... but theres still a looooooong ways to go), so if anyone has any special requests... just let me know :)
Nothing super interesting happened today (although I did study Thai dance for a while in the afternoon... and then a band played a concert again at my school), besides a bit of an embarassing moment when at the end of the day, after sitting cross legged for quite some time (and unable to sit any other way because I was wearing my school skirt), I stood up and, well, just fell back over. Onto one of my friends. Squishing her. But she was a good sport about it. We all had a laugh. Lucky for them they are all used to this whole sitting cross legged for hours on end thing.... but well, I am not. It is one of my missions for the end of this year; be able to sit cross legged for an hour without my legs falling all asleep. I think if I can do this meditation course I want to do, it will help me reach this goal, since alot of the meditation course involves (is that spelled right? once again my English is failing me) sitting around cross legged for hours. And apparently they teach you different techniques for controlling pain and what not.
Another one of my missions is to take as many pictures of my classmates (and everything else, of course) as possible... so here are some photos from today:

Somdech, Me, Fon

Me and Bee

Yah, Me, Husna

Oh, and also... my host Gramma is back home from the hospital now, and she is looking just as angry as ever. I'm not sure how my little host brother is doing today, because I haven't seen him at all... but yesterday he developed a rash all over his face/stomach that looked to me kind of like acne. Poor boy.
