วันพุธที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Off To Chiang Mai

So, as I'm leaving later this evening for Chiang Mai with my classmates from school... this will be my last post for the next 5ish days or so. Hope you don't all miss me too much. I enjoyed spending this week just kind of lazing around my host families house (although I really didn't get anything too productive done, my bad) because I think this weekend in Chiang Mai will be action packed. Well, I really hope it is action packed and enjoyable :S I don't really know too much about what the plan for Chiang Mai is, other than the fact that we are going by train (not really looking forward to it.. the last (and only) time I travelled by train in Thailand was only for about an hour and by the end of it I just felt disguisting... the train was so crowded we couldn't even get seats (we just had to stand in the aisle) and the whole thing smelt like vomit...), we will be staying at a YMCA (or some other cheap hostel type place I'm guessing), and we will be back in Bangkok on the 20th. Shall be a good time. Apparently the teacher's who are travelling with us (I think my AFS Coordinator is the one responsible for organizing this whole thing really) don't really have much planned in the way of activities to do.. so they will pretty much just be setting us free to do whatever and then meet back up for dinner at whatever time... I'm hoping I can get lots of good shopping done in the way of souvenirs :) esepcially since things are (apparently?) tres cheap in the North (which is where Chiang Mai is... in case any of you didn't already know?) Everyone keeps warning me about how "cold" (6 degrees) it is in Chiang Mai, and they keep telling me to pack gloves and toques and what not. Well to be honest I don't actually have any of those things in Thailand. And come on, if I can't live through 6 degree weather without wearing gloves and a toque, what kind of Canadian am I? Seriously.

I guess because it was Children's Day last weekend, there was some sort of Fair type thing set up near Carrefour... so last night I went there with my little host sister and her friend. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera (because I didn't actually know that's where we were going....). We went on this one little mini-rollar coaster ride that seemed soooooooooooooooooo rickety to me, that I was certain it was going to be the death of me. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it. They also had all kinds of games set up for winning prizes and what not. I didn't play any, mainly because I didn't really have money, and because I wasn't too keen on winning a GIANT Hello Kitty stuffy that would take up my entire suitcase on the way home to Canada.... We didn't stay too long because it was night-time, and everyone seems to think it's unsafe to be outside as soon as it gets dark.
