วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Yesterday after school I stayed around with a girl from my class named Hussna, and her boyfriend, who plays guitar is this band at my school... which means I FINALLY (after 5 months!!) got to watch this band jam/practice. They even let me play with them for a bit, until we realized that I really don't know any of the songs they play.. and lets face it, I'm not soo good with the whole freestyling thing (something I deffinately need to work on when I get back). But it was still really fun. It was pretty much the same atmosphere as I spent countless hours in at House of Rock in Creston.. so I felt totally at home. Possibly the most at home I've felt in a looooong time. When they were all finished practicing, Hussna's boyfriend drove me and Hussna home (me first), which was nice because it was starting to get dark out, which is when it starts to get dangerous for me to walk down my street alone by myself. He also offered to burn me a CD sometime of all of the music he likes, which I thought was quite nice to him. Other nice things people have done for me lately include:

A girl in my class made me (along with pretty much all the other girls in my class) a huuuuuge bow to put in my hair for school. While I'm pretty sure she sold them to all of the other girls to make a profit, she gave me mine for free. Unfortunately, after I had only worn it two days, I managed to lose it... When I came home from school on Monday I took up hair down and put the bow in my closet (where I always put my bows).. when I went to make my hair on Tuesday morning, it was gone. Which means either someone moved it, or maybe it's hidden within all of my crap. But I don't think it's hidden because I searched through all of my crap, but everyone knows that I am the worst at finding things (can't-find-itis)...

One of my good friend from my class, a BEAUTIFUL Muslim girl named Praew gave me a Christmas card yesterday. In it she wrote something along the lines of "I am happy to see you. I hope you are happy too. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope you are happy when you go back to Canada. I will miss you." It was sooooooooo sweet. Almost made me get all teary eyed when I saw it... mainly because it sucks being away from my family for Christmas, and then there is this girl in my class who obviously has realized that and tried to cheer me up a bit by giving me a card. It really did cheer me up a bit. Didn't make me teary eyed out of sadness... just out of happyness I guess realizing what good friends I have here in Thailand.. and of course the fact that her English wasn't gramatically correct at all (what I wrote above is what the meaning I interpreted from when she actually wrote), but she went to the effort of writing it all out in English for me.

Overall I guess there is one stereotype about Thailand that is deffinately true.. Thai people are really very kind.
